Source code for jade.clustering.CaliburRunner


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## @file   /GUIs/pyrosetta_toolkit/modules/
## @brief  Functions for running and parsing calibur.
## @author Jared Adolf-Bryfogle (

#Python Imports
import sys
import os
import re

[docs]class CaliburWrapper: def __init__(self, caliburPath=set): """ This is meant to be a set of functions for running and parsing calibur Uses system path, or specified path in calculations. Calibur path should be in PATH, or specified upon construction. """ if caliburPath ==set: self.caliburPath = "calibur" else: self.caliburPath = caliburPath
[docs] def run_calibur(self, PDBLIST_Path, chain=False, Nter=False, Cter=False, threshold=0): """ Nter, Cter are not residue numbering - pretty much it is rosetta numbering as far as I can tell... Need to do this better with option type thing.. """ run = self.caliburPath if chain: run = run+" -c "+chain if Nter: run = run+" -r "+repr(Nter)+','+repr(Cter) run = run+' '+PDBLIST_Path if threshold !=0: run = run+ ' -t '+repr(threshold) self.output = os.popen(run).readlines() print "Calibur Completed..."
[docs] def ret_centers(self): """ return array of top 2 clusters, and a corresponding array of sizes. """ found = False for line in self.output: print line if"Largest 2 clusters", line): clusline = line.strip() found = True break #First, parse by : if not found: print "Clustering failed..." return sp1 = clusline.split(":") sp2 = sp1[1].split(",") paths = []; neighbors = [] for pdb in sp2: sp3 = pdb.split("(") paths.append(sp3[0]) neighbors.append(int(sp3[1].split(")")[0]))
return paths, neighbors
[docs] def ret_threshold(self): """ Returns threshold used in analysis. """ for line in self.output: if"Threshold = ", line): sp = line.split(" = ")
return sp[1].strip()
[docs] def save_neighbors(self, resultsPath, center):
[docs] def ret_neighbors(self, resultsPath):
[docs] def ret_random_num_neighbors(self):
[docs] def save_random_num_neighbors(self):