Source code for jade.antibody.CDRClusterer

from rosetta import *

import math
import sys
from collections import defaultdict

from jade.basic import path
from jade.basic.structure.BioPose import BioPose
from jade.basic.RestypeDefinitions import RestypeDefinitions

from jade.basic.structure.Structure import AntibodyStructure

[docs]class CDRClusterer: """ A simple class for calculating a CDRs cluster from dihedrals or a renumbered pose. """ def __init__(self, bio_pose): """ :param bio_pose: BioPose """ if not isinstance(bio_pose, BioPose): sys.exit() self.pose = bio_pose self.dihedrals = None self.regions = { "L1":['L', 24, 42], "L2":['L', 57, 72], "L3":['L', 107, 138], "H1":['H', 24, 42], "H2":['H', 57, 69], "H3":['H', 107, 138]} self.definitions = RestypeDefinitions() self.ab_structure = AntibodyStructure()
[docs] def set_dihedrals_from_bio_pose(self, start, end, chain): """ Set dihedrals from a BioPose :param start: int :param end: int :param chain: str """ self.dihedrals = defaultdict(list) #print repr(self.pose.pdb_info.pdb_to_pose_map) pose_start = self.pose.pdb_info.pdb2pose(start, chain) pose_end = self.pose.pdb_info.pdb2pose(end, chain) for pose_num in range(pose_start, pose_end+1): self.dihedrals['phi'].append(math.degrees(self.pose.phi(pose_num))) self.dihedrals['psi'].append(math.degrees(self.pose.psi(pose_num)))
self.dihedrals['omega'].append(math.degrees(, rosetta_definitions=False)))
[docs] def set_dihedrals_from_cdr(self, cdr_name, chain): start = self.regions[cdr_name][1] end = self.regions[cdr_name][2]
self.set_dihedrals_from_bio_pose(start, end, chain)
[docs] def set_custom_dihedrals(self, dihedrals): """ Dihedrals is a dict: ['phi']=[x, y, z]; ['psi'] = [x, y, z]; ['omega'] = [x, y, z (degrees)] """
self.dihedrals = dihedrals
[docs] def get_length(self, cdr_name): start = self.regions[cdr_name][1] end = self.regions[cdr_name][2] chain = self.regions[cdr_name][0] #print repr(start)+" "+repr(end)+" "+repr(chain) self.set_dihedrals_from_bio_pose(start, end, chain) #print repr(self.dihedrals) cdr_length = len(self.dihedrals['phi'])
return cdr_length
[docs] def get_fullcluster(self, cdr_name, chain = None, region = None): """ IF DIHEDRALS is SET - AKA from before using the same class - WILL USE THE SAME DIHEDRALS AS BEFORE Rewritten from C++ code. Identifies the cluster of a known cdr type given either custom dihedrals or dihedrals calculated from a pose. Returns a pair or [cdr_cluster, distance] region is [int start, int end, chain] - This way you can cluster without renumbering if you want. :rtype: list[str, float] """ if not self.dihedrals: if not region: start = self.regions[cdr_name][1] end = self.regions[cdr_name][2] chain = self.regions[cdr_name][0] else: start = region[0] end = region[1] chain = region[2] self.set_dihedrals_from_bio_pose(start, end, chain) #string cdr; #Size length; #string cluster; #string type; #string fullcluster; #string ss; #string phis; #string psis; #string omegas; PI = math.pi centers = path.get_database_path() + "/antibody/cluster_center_dihedrals.txt" cdr_length = len(self.dihedrals['phi']) pose_angles = self.dihedrals model_ss = "" cis_cutoff = 90.00 for omega in pose_angles['omega']: if math.fabs(omega) >= cis_cutoff: model_ss = model_ss+"T" else: model_ss = model_ss+"C" print "CDR: "+ cdr_name+" "+repr(cdr_length)+" "+model_ss k_distances_to_cluster = defaultdict() k_distances = [] line_count = 0 cluster_found = False FILE = path.open_file(centers, 'r') for line in FILE: line_count+=1 lineSP = line.split() cdr = lineSP[0]; length = int(lineSP[1]); cluster = lineSP[2]; length_type= lineSP[3]; fullcluster = lineSP[4]; ss = lineSP[5]; phis = lineSP[6]; psis = lineSP[7]; omegas = lineSP[8] #Should I do the measuring here, or actually put the data in ram, then go through the data? #TR << cdr <<" "<<length<<" "<<ss<<std::endl; #print(cdr, cdr_name, repr(length), repr(cdr_length), ss, model_ss) if (cdr==cdr_name and length==cdr_length and ss==model_ss): cluster_found=True k_distance_to_cluster=0.0 #Calculate, add into cluster_distances. cluster_angles = defaultdict() cluster_angles['phi'] = []; cluster_angles['psi'] = [] phiSP = phis.split(','); psiSP = psis.split(',') for phi in phiSP: cluster_angles['phi'].append(phi) for psi in psiSP: cluster_angles['psi'].append(psi) #Calculate: for i in range(0, cdr_length): #Need to convert angles to positive values for now. phi = float(cluster_angles['phi'][i]) psi = float(cluster_angles['psi'][i]) phi_d = (2 * (1- math.cos ((pose_angles["phi"][i]-phi)*PI/180))) psi_d = (2 * (1- math.cos ((pose_angles["psi"][i]-psi)*PI/180))) k_distance_to_cluster = k_distance_to_cluster+phi_d+psi_d k_distances_to_cluster[k_distance_to_cluster]=fullcluster k_distances.append(k_distance_to_cluster) else: continue FILE.close() #Take the minimum distance as the cluster. cdr_cluster = "" cdr_distance = 0 if not cluster_found: print "Cluster not found for CDR "+cdr_name cdr_cluster = "NA" cdr_distance = 1000 pair = [cdr_cluster, cdr_distance] return pair else: #Get minimum and set cluster. d = min(k_distances) cdr_distance = d cdr_cluster = k_distances_to_cluster[d] print cdr_name+" cluster found as "+ cdr_cluster + " at k_distance: "+repr(d) #TR <<"Setting this as closest cluster, as no cutoff is yet set. PLEASE manually compare structures. " <<std::endl; pair = [cdr_cluster, cdr_distance]
return pair