Source code for jade.rosetta_jade.features

import os
import sys
import re

from jade.basic.general import *
from jade.basic.path import *

[docs]def rm_features_dbs(outdir, out_names): for out_name in out_names: db_name = outdir+'/'+out_name if os.path.exists(db_name):
[docs]def create_features_db(pdb_list, xml_name, compiler, score_weights, out_db_name, out_db_batch, outdir, use_present_dbs, indir = "", mpi = True, np = 5): """ old_db_name = outdir+'/'+out_db_name+'.'+score_weights+".db3" new_db_name = outdir+'/'+out_db_name+'.'+xml_name+'.'+score_weights+".db3" if os.path.exists(old_db_name): os.system('mv '+old_db_name+' '+new_db_name) print "Old db name already exists. Moving." return """ features_dir = get_feat_input_path() outdir = outdir+"/databases" if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) if not out_db_batch: sys.exit("Must have output db name and db batch to run_features") if not use_present_dbs: rm_features_dbs(outdir, out_db_name, score_weights, xml_name) if mpi: feat_dir = "/temp" else: feat_dir = outdir features_command = get_rosetta_program('rosetta_scripts', mpi=mpi, compiler = compiler) +' -parser:protocol '+features_dir+\ '/'+xml_name+'.xml @ '+features_dir+'/features.flag -l '+pdb_list+ \ ' -parser:script_vars name='+out_db_name+'.'+xml_name+ \ ' score='+score_weights+' batch='+out_db_batch+ " -out:path:all "+feat_dir if indir: features_command = features_command+' in:path:pdb '+indir if mpi: os.system("mpiexec -np "+np+" "+features_command + " -separate_db_per_mpi_process") else: os.system(features_command) if mpi:
pass #Need to combine MPI databases, move them to outdir, and remove the temp directory.