Source code for jade.rosetta_jade.FeaturesJsonCreator

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Author: Jared Adolf-Bryfogle

#This script will create either cluster features or antibody features json for use in Features R script.
#I am just really sick of doing this by hand.
#Example Cmd-line:  python --database databases/baseline_comparison.txt --scripts cluster

import json
import shutil
from collections import defaultdict

from jade.basic.path import *
from jade.basic.threading.Threader import *

####### Class based implementation

[docs]class JsonCreator: """ Basic implementation of a simple JsonCreator to create Jsons. Could be expanded to not load jsons with pre-set scripts. A nicer implementation would be a GUI for running the FeaturesReporter scripts. """ def __init__(self, out_path, script_type): self.out_path = out_path self.script_types = ["antibody", "interface", "cluster", "antibody_minimal","antibody_minimal_hbond_analysis", "antibody_minimal_no_hbond_analysis"] if script_type == "antibody_minimal_min_hbond_analysis": script_type = "antibody_minimal_hbond_analysis" if not script_type in self.script_types: sys.exit(script_type +" unrecognized. Available JSON script types are: "+repr(self.script_types)) self.json_dict = initialize_json_dict(out_path) setup_baseline_scripts_and_formats(self.json_dict, script_type)
[docs] def add_sample_source_info(self, db_path, id, ref = False): info = _create_json_info_dic(db_path, id, ref)
add_sample_source(self.json_dict, info)
[docs] def add_features_script(self, rel_script_path): """ Add a features script to run. """
[docs] def add_output_method(self, output_method): """ Add an output method """
[docs] def save_json(self, out_path = "local_json.txt"): OUTFILE = open(out_path, 'w') json.dump(self.json_dict, OUTFILE, indent=1) OUTFILE.close() self.json_path = out_path print "Json written to: "+out_path
print "Json path set to JsonCreator"
[docs] def run_json(self, backround = False):
run_features_json(self.json_path, backround, self.out_path) ###################################################################################################################
[docs]def setup_baseline_scripts_and_formats(json_dict, type): feat_path = get_rosetta_features_json_path() FILE = open(feat_path+"/"+type+"_features.json") data = json.load(FILE) FILE.close() append_scripts_formats_to_json_dict(data, json_dict) FILE = open(feat_path+"/output_formats.json") data = json.load(FILE) FILE.close()
json_dict["output_formats"] = data["output_formats"]
[docs]def append_scripts_formats_to_json_dict(data, json_dict): if data.has_key("output_formats"): json_dict["output_formats"].extend(data["output_formats"]) if data.has_key("analysis_scripts"):
[docs]def initialize_json_dict(out_dir): json_dict = defaultdict() json_dict["output_formats"] = [] json_dict["analysis_scripts"] = [] json_dict["sample_sources"] = [] json_dict["output_dir"] = out_dir
return json_dict ''' def add_sample_source_comparisons(current_json_dict, json_file_path = None): if json_file_path: if not os.path.exists(json_file_path): sys.exit("Passed Json file path does not exist!!") FILE = open(json_file_path, 'r') json_dict = json.load(FILE) FILE.close() current_json_dict["sample_source_comparisons"].extend(json_dict["sample_source_comparisons"]) '''
[docs]def add_sample_source(json_dict, sample_source_dict):
[docs]def write_json_for_single_recovery_experiment(db_path_exp, db_path_natives, exp_id, out_path): """ Create a JSON file for recovery of a single experiment. """ if not os.path.exists(db_path_exp): sys.exit("SQLITE3 database path does not exist!!") json_dict = initialize_json_dict( out_path ) setup_baseline_scripts_and_formats(json_dict, "cluster") #Ref HAS to go first here! add_sample_source(json_dict, _create_json_info_dic(db_path_natives, "ref", True)) add_sample_source(json_dict, _create_json_info_dic(db_path_exp, exp_id, False)) if not os.path.exists(out_path): os.mkdir(out_path) if not os.path.exists(out_path+"/jsons"): os.mkdir(out_path+"/jsons") OUTFILE = open(out_path+"/jsons/"+"cluster_features."+exp_id+".json", 'w') json.dump(json_dict, OUTFILE, indent=1) OUTFILE.close()
print "Complete" ######################################################################################################################## def _create_json_info_dic(db_path, id, ref=False): """ Create a simple dict that holds info to create the json. """ databases = defaultdict() databases["database_path"] = db_path databases["id"] = id databases["reference"] = ref return databases
[docs]def run_features_json(json_path, backround = False, outpath = ""): """ Convenience function Outputs an R script for running a JSON file, and runs it. Works with the new Library structure of the Features Reporter Framework. """ def move_delete_build(): """ Used if outpath is not set in the json. :return: """ if os.path.exists("build"): c = glob.glob("build/*") for d in c: os.system("cp -r "+d+" "+outpath) if os.path.exists("build"): shutil.rmtree("build") r_cmd = get_rosetta_features_run_script()+" "+json_path print "Running: "+r_cmd if backround: thread = Threader() f = [] f.append(lambda: os.system(r_cmd)) f.append(lambda: move_delete_build()) thread.run_functions(f) else: os.system(r_cmd)
[docs]def run_features_json_old(json_path, backround = False, outpath = ""): """ Convenience function Run compare_sample_sources with json path. """ def move_delete_build(): if os.path.exists("build"): c = glob.glob("build/*") for d in c: os.system("cp -r "+d+" "+outpath) if os.path.exists("build"): shutil.rmtree("build") r_cmd = get_rosetta_features_root()+"/compare_sample_sources.R --config "+json_path print "Running: "+r_cmd if backround: thread = Threader() f = [] f.append(lambda: os.system(r_cmd)) f.append(lambda: move_delete_build()) thread.run_functions(f) else: os.system(r_cmd)