Source code for jade.pymol_jade.PyMolScriptWriter

#Author: Jared Adolf-Bryfogle

import sys
from collections import defaultdict

from jade.basic.path import *
from jade.basic.threading.Threader import Threader
from jade.basic.structure import Structure
from jade.basic.path import *
from jade.antibody import util as ab_util

[docs]class PyMolScriptWriter: """ Class to help build PyMol scripts using arbitrary lists of PDBs. Example for loading all top models into PyMol, aligning them to the native, and labeling them: scripter = PyMolScriptWriter(outpath) if native_path: scripter.add_load_pdb(native_path, "native_"+os.path.basename(native_path)) scripter.add_load_pdbs(pdb_path_list, load_as_list) scripter.add_align_all_to(scripter.get_final_names()[0]) scripter.add_show("cartoon") scripter.add_line("center") scripter.add_save_session(pse_path) scripter.write_script("load_align_top.pml") run_pymol_script(top_dir+"/"+"load_align_top.pml") """ def __init__(self, outdir): self.base_dir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] self.set_outdir(outdir) self.reset_script() self.colors = [] self.color_types = defaultdict() self.vis_options = ["cartoon", "spheres", "lines", "dots", "sticks", "surface", "mesh", "nonbonded"] self._read_colors(get_database_path()+"/pymol/"+"simple_pymol_colors.txt") self.pdbs = [] self.final_names = [] self.grouped_pdbs = defaultdict() def _read_colors(self, path): """ Reads PyMOl colors text file. Loads colors. """ INFILE = open(path, 'r') color_type = "" for line in INFILE: line = line.strip() if not line: continue if line.startswith("#"): continue lineSP = line.split() if lineSP[0] == "TYPE": color_type = lineSP[1].lower() self.color_types[color_type] = [] continue self.colors.append(lineSP[0]) self.color_types[color_type].append(lineSP[0]) INFILE.close() print "Done reading PyMol color types" def __str__(self): return "\n".join(self.script_lines) def __repr__(self): return "\n".join(self.script_lines)
[docs] def set_outdir(self, outdir): if outdir: self.output_dir = outdir if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) else:
self.output_dir = os.getcwd()
[docs] def write_script(self, fname=None): if not fname: fname = "pml_script.pml" OUTFILE = open(self.output_dir+"/"+fname, 'w') for line in self.script_lines: OUTFILE.write(line+"\n") OUTFILE.close()
return self.output_dir+"/"+fname
[docs] def save_script(self, fname = None):
return self.write_script(fname)
[docs] def reset_script(self):
self.script_lines = []
[docs] def clear(self): self.reset_script() self.pdbs = []
self.final_names = []
[docs] def print_script(self):
print str(self) #################################################################################################### ## Helpful Functions ###################################################################################################
[docs] def get_color_types(self):
return self.color_types.keys()
[docs] def get_vis_types(self):
return self.vis_options
[docs] def get_colors_of_type(self, color_type): color_type = color_type.lower()
return self.color_types[color_type]
[docs] def get_final_names(self): """ Get the final names PyMOL will use after loading PDBs. """
return self.final_names
[docs] def get_sele(self, chain, resid_array): """ Get a a selection from an array of residue IDs and a particular chain. If the residue Id is a two-element tupple, then add a selection between the first and last element """ def get_entry(resid): if type(resid) == tuple: if len(resid) == 2: start = resid[0] end = resid[1] entry = "resi "+repr(start)+"-"+repr(end) return entry else: raise Exception("Tuple for PyMolScriptWriter must be length 2!") else: entry = "resi "+repr(resid) return entry if len(resid_array) == 1: sele = "chain "+chain+" & "+get_entry(resid_array[0]) else: sele = "chain "+chain+" & ( "+get_entry(resid_array[0]) for resi in resid_array[1:]: sele = sele +" | "+get_entry(resi) sele = sele+" )"
return sele #################################################################################################### ## Build PyMol Script: ###################################################################################################
[docs] def add_line(self, line): """ Add an arbitrary line to the script """
[docs] def add_save_session(self, session_path): """ Add a line to save the session to a FULL path """ if not".pse", session_path): session_path = session_path+".pse"
self.script_lines.append("'"+session_path+"')") #################################################################################################### ## Load PDBs and Groups: ###################################################################################################
[docs] def add_load_pdb(self, pdb_path, load_as = None, group = None): """ Add line to load a PDB Path into PyMol Optionally load them as a particular name Will then set the final names PyMol uses to the object. """ #print "PDB"+repr(pdb_path) self.pdbs.append(pdb_path) name = os.path.basename(pdb_path) name = "".join(name.split(".")[0:-1]) basenameSP = name.split('.') if".pdb.gz", name): basename = "".join(basenameSP[:len(basenameSP)-2]) else: basename = "".join(basenameSP[:len(basenameSP)-1]) if not load_as: self.final_names.append(name) self.script_lines.append("load "+pdb_path) else: self.final_names.append(load_as) self.script_lines.append("load "+pdb_path+", "+load_as) if group:
self.add_group_object(self.final_names[-1], group)
[docs] def add_load_pdbs(self, pdb_paths, load_as = None, group = None): """ Add lines to load the list of PDB paths into PyMol Optionally load them as a particular name Will then set the final names PyMol uses to the object. """ i = 0 for path in pdb_paths: print path if load_as: self.add_load_pdb(path, load_as = load_as[i], group = group) else: self.add_load_pdb(path, group = group)
[docs] def add_group_object(self, name, new_group_name): """ Group a single object to another. Useful for meta-groups. """
self.script_lines.append("group "+new_group_name+", "+name)
[docs] def add_group_objects(self, names, new_group_name): """ Group a set of pre-loaded names to the new group. """ names_str = " ".join(names)
self.script_lines.append("group "+new_group_name+", "+names_str)
[docs] def add_select(self, name, sele, group = None): self.script_lines.append("select "+name+","+sele) if group:
self.add_group_object(name, group) #################################################################################################### ## Alignment : ###################################################################################################
[docs] def add_superimpose(self, sele1, sele2): """ Super impose two selections using the super command """
self.add_line("super "+sele1+", "+sele2)
[docs] def add_superimpose_all_to(self, model, sele1 , sele2): for name in self.final_names: if name !=model:
self.add_superimpose(name+" and "+sele1, model+" and "+sele2)
[docs] def add_align_all(self, sele1 = "", sele2="", limit_to_bb=True, pair_fit = False): """ Align all to the first model """ for name in self.final_names[1:]:
self.add_align_to(name, self.final_names[0], sele1, sele2, limit_to_bb, pair_fit)
[docs] def add_align_all_to(self, model, sele1 = "", sele2="", limit_to_bb=True, pair_fit = False): """ Align all to a particular model """ for name in self.final_names: if name !=model:
self.add_align_to(name, model, sele1, sele2, limit_to_bb)
[docs] def add_align_to(self, model1, model2, sele1="", sele2 = "", limit_to_bb = True, pair_fit = False): """ Align one model to another, optionally specifying a selection. Recommended to use superimpose instead """ m1 = get_decoy_name(model1) m2 = get_decoy_name(model2) align = "align " if pair_fit: align = "pair_fit " bb = "" if limit_to_bb: bb = " & name n+ca+c+o " if not sele1: self.script_lines.append(align + m1 + bb+","+m2 + bb) else:
self.script_lines.append(align + m1+" & "+sele1+bb+", "+m2 +" &"+sele2+ bb) #################################################################################################### ## Misc. : ###################################################################################################
[docs] def add_show(self, vis_type, sele=""): """ Show a representation. Optionally with a particular selection """ if not vis_type in self.vis_options: print("Type "+vis_type+" not a known vis_option. Options are: \n"+repr(self.vis_options)) if not sele: self.script_lines.append("show "+vis_type) else:
self.script_lines.append("show "+vis_type+", "+sele)
[docs] def add_center(self, sele = None): if sele: self.add_line("center "+sele) else:
[docs] def add_hide(self, vis_type, sele=""): """ Hide a representation. Optionally with a particular selection. """ if not type in self.vis_options: print("Type "+vis_type+" not a known vis_option. Options are: \n"+repr(self.vis_options)) if not sele: self.script_lines.append("show "+vis_type) else:
self.script_lines.append("show "+vis_type+", "+sele)
[docs] def add_color(self, sele, color): """ Add color to a selection. sele: PyMol Selection color: Particular color. See Also self.colors """ if not color in self.colors: sys.exit("Color not understood by PyMol: "+color+" See simple_pymol_colors for list of acceptable colors")
self.script_lines.append("color "+color+", "+sele)
[docs] def add_antibody_script(self): """ Add running the color cdrs pymol script. Antibody must be in AHO numbering """ color_cdrs_path = get_bin_path()+"/color_cdrs.pml"
[docs] def run_script(self, script_outname = "pml_script.pml", delete_script = True, parellel_process = False): """ Save and Run the Pymol script :param script_outname: str """
run_pymol_script(self.save_script(script_outname), delete_script = delete_script, parellel_process=parellel_process) ######################################################################################################################## ## Helper Functions ########################################################################################################################
[docs]def run_pymol_script(script_path, run_gui = False, delete_script = False, parellel_process = True): """ Run the script of the given path. """ if not os.path.exists(script_path): if os.path.exists(os.getcwd()+script_path): script_path = os.getcwd()+script_path elif os.path.exists(os.getcwd()+"/"+script_path): script_path = os.getcwd()+"/"+script_path else: raise Exception(script_path +" does not exist...") if run_gui: cmd = "pymol "+script_path else: cmd = "pymol -c "+script_path print "Running: "+cmd if parellel_process: threader = Threader() #threader.run_system_command(cmd) threader.run_functions([lambda: os.system(cmd)]) else: os.system(cmd) if delete_script:
[docs]def make_pymol_session_on_top(pdb_path_list, load_as_list, script_dir, session_dir, out_name, top_num = None, native_path = None, antibody = True): """ Make a pymol session on a set of decoys. Usually an ordered decoy list. :param top_dir: :param pdb_path_list: List of PDB Paths :param load_as_list: List of PDB Path names for pymol. :param outdir: :param out_name: :param top_num: :param native_path: :return: """ if top_num: pse_path = session_dir+"/"+out_name+"_top_"+str(top_num)+".pse" else: pse_path = session_dir+"/"+out_name+"_all"+".pse" if os.path.exists(pse_path): print "Overriding PSE: "+pse_path #return if len(pdb_path_list) == 0: print "PDB list path empty. Skipping creation of pymol session" return scripter = PyMolScriptWriter(script_dir) if native_path: scripter.add_load_pdb(native_path, "native_"+os.path.basename(native_path)) scripter.add_load_pdbs(pdb_path_list, load_as_list) scripter.add_align_all_to(scripter.get_final_names()[0]) scripter.add_show("cartoon") scripter.add_line("center") scripter.add_line("hide lines") scripter.add_line("group models, model*") if antibody: color_cdrs_path = get_bin_path()+"/color_cdrs.pml" scripter.add_line("@"+color_cdrs_path) scripter.add_save_session(pse_path) scripter.write_script("load_align_top.pml")
[docs]def make_pymol_session_on_top_ab_include_native_cdrs(pdb_path_list, load_as_list, script_dir, session_dir, out_name, cdr_dir, top_num = None, native_path = None): """ Make a pymol session on a set of decoys. These decoys should have REMARK CDR_origin. These origin pdbs will be aligned and included in the pymol session :param top_dir: :param pdb_path_list: List of PDB Paths :param load_as_list: List of PDB Path names for pymol. :param cdr_dir: The directory of antibody CDRs from PyIgClassify. :return: """ if top_num: pse_path = session_dir+"/"+out_name+"_top_"+str(top_num)+".pse" else: pse_path = session_dir+"/"+out_name+"_all"+".pse" if os.path.exists(pse_path): print "Overriding PSE: "+pse_path #return if len(pdb_path_list) == 0: print "PDB list path empty. Skipping creation of pymol session" return scripter = PyMolScriptWriter(script_dir) if native_path: scripter.add_load_pdb(native_path, "native_"+os.path.basename(native_path)) scripter.add_load_pdbs(pdb_path_list, load_as_list) scripter.add_align_all_to(scripter.get_final_names()[0]) scripter.add_line("group models, model*") color_cdrs_path = get_bin_path()+"/color_cdrs.pml" scripter.add_line("@"+color_cdrs_path) #For each Model, we need to load and search for origin origin_names = defaultdict(list) sorted_origin_names = [] for pair in zip(pdb_path_list, load_as_list): cdrs_to_align = defaultdict() pdb_path = pair[0] pdb_name = pair[1] INFILE = open_file(pdb_path) for line in INFILE: line = line.strip() if not line: continue lineSP = line.split() # REMARK L3_origin 5alcL_L3_0001 # if len(lineSP) == 3 and lineSP[0] == "REMARK" and'origin', lineSP[1]): print line cdrs_to_align[lineSP[1]] = lineSP[2] else: continue INFILE.close() #Group: L3_origin_pdb_id_model for origin_type in cdrs_to_align: model_num = os.path.basename(pdb_name).split("_")[1]; # model_1_scoretye_score cdr_name = origin_type.split("_")[0]; #L3_origin cdr_object = Structure.CDR(cdr_name) pdbid = cdrs_to_align[ origin_type ].split("_")[0]; #pdbid_cdr_0001 cdr_path = cdr_dir+"/"+"_".join(cdrs_to_align[origin_type].split("_")[0:-1])+".pdb" print "CDR Path: "+ cdr_path if not os.path.exists(cdr_path): sys.exit("CDR Path does not exist!! "+cdr_path) stem_cdr_name = '_'.join(["ste", "mod", model_num, pdbid, cdr_name]) cdr_cdr_name = '_'.join(["cdr", "mod", model_num, pdbid, cdr_name]) all_cdr_name = '_'.join(["all", "mod", model_num, pdbid, cdr_name]) model_group = "_".join(["model", model_num, cdr_name]) sorted_origin_names.append(model_group) origin_names[model_group].append(stem_cdr_name) origin_names[model_group].append(cdr_cdr_name) origin_names[model_group].append(all_cdr_name) scripter.add_load_pdb(cdr_path, stem_cdr_name) scripter.add_load_pdb(cdr_path, cdr_cdr_name) scripter.add_load_pdb(cdr_path, all_cdr_name) #SuperImpose stem overhang_sele = ab_util.get_overhang_sele(scripter, cdr_object, 3) scripter.add_superimpose(" ".join([stem_cdr_name, "and", overhang_sele]), " ".join([pdb_name, "and", overhang_sele])) #SuperImpose CDR-only (no Stem!) cdr_only_sele = ab_util.get_all_cdr_sele(cdr_object, stem=0) scripter.add_superimpose(" ".join([cdr_cdr_name, "and", cdr_only_sele]), " ".join([pdb_name, "and", cdr_only_sele])) #SuperImpose Stem+CDR cdr_and_stem_sele = ab_util.get_all_cdr_sele(cdr_object, stem=3) scripter.add_superimpose(" ".join([all_cdr_name, "and", cdr_and_stem_sele]), " ".join([pdb_name, "and", cdr_and_stem_sele])) scripter.add_show("cartoon") scripter.add_line("zoom full_paratope") scripter.add_line("hide lines") for origin_type in sorted_origin_names: scripter.add_line("group "+origin_type+", "+" ".join(origin_names[origin_type])) for object_name in origin_names[origin_type]: scripter.add_line("disable "+origin_type); #Make them not show when we load pymol scripter.add_line("group origin_cdrs, "+ " ".join(sorted_origin_names)) scripter.add_save_session(pse_path) scripter.write_script("load_align_top.pml")
[docs]def make_pymol_session_on_top_scored(pdbpaths_scores, script_dir, session_dir, out_name, top_num = -1, native_path = None, antibody=True, parellel = True, super = "", run_pymol = True, model_names=[]): """ Make a pymol session on a set of decoys with a tuple of [[score, pdb], ... ] Optionally, it can be a 3 length tupple with model name to use as last: [[score, pdb, model_name], ... ] if run_pymol is False, will not run pymol. Pymol names will be: model_n_RosettaModelNumber_score Score will be truncated to two decimal places. Returns configured PyMol Scripter for extra use. :param pdbpaths_scores: tuple of [[score, pdb], ... ] :param script_dir: Path to output PyMol script :param session_dir: Path to output Session :param out_name: name of the Pymol session :param top_num: Optional - Only output TOP N models :param native_path: Optional - Path to any input native to add to pymol session :param parellel: Optional - Run in parellel (so many pymol sessions can be created at once) :param super: Optional - Super to THIS particular selection instead of align_all to. :param run_pymol: Optional - Run Pymol using script? Default true :rtype: PyMolScriptWriter """ out_name = out_name.replace(".pse", "") if not os.path.exists(session_dir): os.mkdir(session_dir) if top_num != -1: pse_path = session_dir+"/"+out_name+"_top_"+str(top_num)+".pse" else: pse_path = session_dir+"/"+out_name+"_all"+".pse" if os.path.exists(pse_path): print "Overriding PSE: "+pse_path #return if len(pdbpaths_scores) == 0: print "PDB list path empty. Skipping creation of pymol session" return scripter = PyMolScriptWriter(script_dir) print "Outputting script to: " +script_dir if native_path and os.path.exists(native_path): scripter.add_load_pdb(native_path, "native_"+os.path.basename(native_path)) else: print "No native path or it does not exist..." i = 1 for score_pdb in pdbpaths_scores: print repr(score_pdb) decoy = get_decoy_path(score_pdb[1]) print repr(decoy) model_name = score_pdb[1].split("_")[-1] if len(score_pdb) == 3: model_name = score_pdb[2] scripter.add_load_pdb(decoy, "model_"+repr(i)+"_"+model_name+"_%.2f"%(score_pdb[0])) i+=1 if super: scripter.add_superimpose_all_to(scripter.get_final_names()[0], super, super) else: scripter.add_align_all_to(scripter.get_final_names()[0]) scripter.add_show("cartoon") scripter.add_line("center") scripter.add_line("hide lines") scripter.add_line("group models, model*") if antibody: color_cdrs_path = get_bin_path()+"/pymol_scripts/color_cdrs.pml" scripter.add_line("@"+color_cdrs_path) scripter.add_save_session(pse_path) scripter.write_script("load_align_top.pml") if run_pymol: run_pymol_script(script_dir+"/"+"load_align_top.pml", parellel_process=parellel)
return scripter