Source code for jade.nnk.NNKEnrichments

import sys, os, numpy
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
import pandas

from jade.nnk import NNKAbMaturation

[docs]class NNKEnrichments(object): """ Simple class that holds all the enrichment data for a particular class, antibody, and antigen. """ def __init__(self, data_dir, zeros = -2.0, class_type = 'VRC01', antibody = 'glCHA31', antigen = 'GT81', sort = 'S1'): """ :param data_dir: the directory with sort data. Each set of data + antibody should be in a separate directory (Ex: glCHA31, et.c) :param zeros: The number we use when enrichment of top/bottom gate is zero. This is the log(enrichment). -2.0 corresponds to an enrichment of about .08. :param class_type: :param antibody: :param antigen: :param sort: """ data_loader = NNKAbMaturation.GetNNKData(data_dir, antibody) self.df = data_loader.get_2D_data_freq_nnk_data(antigen=antigen, sort=sort) self.df = self.df.applymap(numpy.log) self.df = self.df.replace(numpy.NINF, float(zeros)) if not isinstance(self.df, pandas.DataFrame): sys.exit() self.data_1D = data_loader.get_1d_data_tuple_freq_nnk_data(antigen=antigen, sort=sort)
[docs] def max(self, position): """ Get the maximum enrichment at a particular position, and the amino acid :param position: :return: """ max_index = self.df[str(position)].idxmax() #print repr(max_index)
return self.value(position, max_index), max_index
[docs] def min(self, position): """ Get the minimum enrichment at a particular position, and the amino acid Note: There may be multiple minumum amino acids - this is not yet accounted for! :param position: :return: """ min_index = self.df[str(position)].idxmin()
return self.value(position, min_index), min_index
[docs] def value(self, position, three_letter_code): """ Get the enrichment value of a particular position and code. :param position: :param three_letter_code: :return: """
return self.df.get_value(three_letter_code, str(position))
[docs] def mean(self, position):
return numpy.mean(self.df[str(position)])
[docs] def calculate_factors(self): """ Return a dataframe of calculated factors Factor is Sergeys definition: (P-M)/MAD = scaling factor; where P - total propensity for amino acid at this position, M - mean total propensity for all amino acids at this position MAD - mean average deviation for propensities at this position. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ factors = deepcopy(self.df) for pos in self.df.columns: m = self.df[pos].mean() mad = numpy.absolute(self.df[pos] - m).mean() if mad == 0: factors[pos] = 0
return factors
[docs]def combine_enrichments( list_of_nnk_enrichments, additive_combine = False): """ Combine a list of nnk_enrichments to populate this one. @type list_of_nnk_enrichments: [NNKEnrichments] :rtype: NNKEnrichments """ print "Len: "+repr(len(list_of_nnk_enrichments)) if len(list_of_nnk_enrichments) == 1: return list_of_nnk_enrichments[0] new_enrich = deepcopy(list_of_nnk_enrichments[0]) dfs_2D = [] dfs_1D = [] for enrich in list_of_nnk_enrichments: #print len(enrich.df.columns) dfs_2D.append(enrich.df) dfs_1D.append(enrich.data_1D) df_2D = pandas.concat(dfs_2D) if additive_combine: new_enrich.df = df_2D.groupby(level=0).sum() new_enrich.data_1D = numpy.sum(numpy.array(dfs_1D), axis=0) else: new_enrich.df = df_2D.groupby(level=0).mean() new_enrich.data_1D = numpy.mean(numpy.array(dfs_1D), axis=0)
return new_enrich