Source code for jade.basic.structure.util

import sys
import os
import gzip

import Bio
from Bio.PDB.PDBParser import PDBParser
from Bio.PDB.Residue import Residue
from jade.basic.RestypeDefinitions import RestypeDefinitions
from jade.basic.numeric import *

### NOTE: All Utility function have been replaced by a Bio Structure wrapper: BioPose.
### Please see this new class for future developments!

########  NEW Biopython utility functions ##########

[docs]def peptide_bond_distance(res1, res2): """ Return the bond distance between two residues using Numpy array math. :param res1: Bio.PDB.Residue.Residue :param res2: Bio.PDB.Residue.Residue :rtype: float """
return atomic_distance(res1, res2, 'C', 'N')
[docs]def atomic_distance(res1, res2, res1_atom_name, res2_atom_name): """ Return the atomic distance between two arbitrary Bio residues and two arbitrary atom names. :param res1: Bio.PDB.Residue.Residue :param res2: Bio.PDB.Residue.Residue :param res1_atom_name: str :param res2_atom_name: str :rtype: float """ try: return distance_numpy(res1[res1_atom_name].get_vector().get_array(), res2[res2_atom_name].get_vector().get_array()) except Exception: print "Residue does not have the atom name or there is a problem in the vector. Returning 0"
raise IndexError ######## OLD Biopython Utility Functions replaced by BIOPose ########
[docs]def has_id(model, id): """ Returns true or false if the model has the chain. Because biopython is not updating it's index that has_id is using. WTF. """ for i in model: if == id: return True
return False
[docs]def get_biopython_structure(path, model_id = None): structure = None path = path.strip() parser = PDBParser() if not model_id: model_id = os.path.basename(path) if os.path.basename(path).split('.')[-1] == "pdb": structure = parser.get_structure(model_id, path) elif os.path.basename(path).split('.')[-1] == 'gz': GZ =, 'rb') structure = parser.get_structure(model_id, GZ) GZ.close() else: sys.exit("Unknown extension to read PDB: "+path)
return structure
[docs]def get_seq_from_biostructure(structure, chain_id): for biochain in structure[0]: if get_chain_length(biochain) == 0: continue if == chain_id: return get_seq_from_biochain(biochain) print "Chain not found!"
raise LookupError
[docs]def get_seq_from_biochain(bio_chain): if get_chain_length(bio_chain) == 0: return "" seq = "" d = RestypeDefinitions() for res in bio_chain: if[0]==' ': aa = d.get_one_letter_from_three(res.resname) if not aa: print "Skipping non-canonical resname: "+res.resname print "This could pose a problem!" continue seq = seq+aa
return seq
[docs]def get_chain_length(bio_chain): l = 0 for res in bio_chain: if[0]==' ': l+=1
return l
[docs]def get_num_biochains(model):
return len(model[0])