Source code for jade.basic.structure.BioPose

#!/usr/bin/env python

#Jared Adolf-Bryfogle (

import os
import gzip
import re
import math
from collections import defaultdict

from Bio.PDB import PDBParser
from Bio.PDB import PPBuilder
from Bio.PDB import MMCIFParser
from Bio.PDB import calc_dihedral
from Bio.PDB import Vector

from jade.basic.RestypeDefinitions import RestypeDefinitions
from jade.basic.structure.Structure import PDBInfo
from jade.basic.structure.Structure import ResidueRecord
from jade.basic.structure.util import peptide_bond_distance
from jade.basic.path import *
from jade.basic.numeric import *
from jade.utility import vector1

[docs]class BioPose(object): """ This is my biopython meta class. Because biopython's interface kinda sucks. This is a little cleaner. The other way is to sublclass each Biopython class structure, which I'm not ready to do. Right now, you need a path as I don't know how we would use this from sequence, etc as you do in Rosetta. :path: Is a path to an RCSB file. PDB (.pdb), mmCIF(.cif), and gzipped (.gz) versions. """ def __init__(self, path, model_num=0): self.res_definitions = RestypeDefinitions() self.struct, self.header = self.load_from_file(path) #Bio struct, Header dictionary self._setup_self(model_num) ############ IO ###################
[docs] def load_from_file(self, path): """ Load a file from PDB or mmCIF. .gz is supported. :param path: Path to PDB or mmCIF file :rtype: tuple(bio.PDB.Structure.Structure, dict) """ structure = None if".pdb", path): parser = PDBParser() else: parser = MMCIFParser() path = path.strip() model_id = os.path.basename(path) #if os.path.basename(path).split('.')[-1] == 'gz': # GZ =, 'rb') # GZ.close() #else : structure = parser.get_structure(model_id, open_file( path )) header = parser.get_header()
return structure, header
[docs] def reload_from_file(self, path, model_num=0): """ Reload a BioPose from a file path. :param path: str :param model_num: int :return: """ self.struct, self.header = self.load_from_file(path)
self._setup_self(model_num) def _setup_self(self, model_num =0): """ Setup all info for bio pose after loading from file. :param model_num: int :return: """ self.all_residues = self._setup_all_residues(model_num) #vector1 of Bio Residues self.pdb_info = self._setup_pdb_info() #PDBInfo to map the vector1 self.peptide_bond_distances = self._setup_peptide_bond_distances() #map of bond distances to next residue in pose. ############ Getting Components #############
[docs] def pdbinfo(self):
return self.pdb_info
[docs] def resnum(self, pdb_num, chain, icode=' '):
return self.pdb_info.get_resnum(pdb_num, chain, icode)
[docs] def structure(self): """ Get the Bio Structure stored in this class. :rtype: bio.PDB.Structure.Structure """
return self.struct
[docs] def model(self, model_num = 0): """ Get a Bio Model of the stored structure :param id: int :rtype: bio.PDB.Model.Model """
return self.struct[model_num]
[docs] def chain(self, chain_id, model_num = 0): """ Get a Bio Chain of the stored structure :param chain_id: str :param model_num: int :rtype: bio.PDB.Chain.Chain """
return self.struct[model_num][chain_id]
[docs] def residue(self, resnum, chain_id, icode=' ', alt=' ', model_num = 0): """ Get a Bio Residue of the stored structure. Adds a chain_id attribute. :param resnum: int :param chain_id: str :param icode: str :param alt: str :param model_num: int :rtype: bio.PDB.Residue.Residue """ res = self.struct[model_num][chain_id][(alt, resnum, icode)] res.chain_id = chain_id
return res
[docs] def atom(self, atom_name, resnum, chain_id, icode=' ', alt=' ', model_num=0): """ Get a Bio Atom of the stored structure :param atom_name: str :param resnum: int :param chain_id: str :param icode: str :param alt: str :param model_num: int :rtype: bio.PDB.Atom.Atom """
return self.struct[model_num][chain_id][(alt, resnum, icode)][atom_name] ### Lists of Structures ###
[docs] def chains(self, model_num = 0): """ Get a list of Bio Chains :param model_num: int :rtype: list[bio.PDB.Chain.Chain """
return [c for c in self.struct]
[docs] def residues(self, chain_id, model_num = 0, include_alt = False): """ Get residues, including or not including residues with alternate location codes - which can be a PITA Adds chain_id attribute to residue. :param chain_id: str :param model_num: int :param include_alt: bool :rtype: list[bio.PDB.Residue.Residue] """ resi = [] for res in self.chain(chain_id, model_num): res.chain_id = chain_id if[0] ==' ': resi.append(res) elif include_alt: resi.append(res) else: continue
return resi
[docs] def atoms(self, resnum, chain_id, icode=' ', alt=' ', model_num = 0): """ Get a list of Bio Atoms :param resnum: int :param chain_id: str :param icode: str :param alt: str :param model_num: int :rtype: list[bio.PDB.Atom.Atom] """
return [atm for atm in self.residue(resnum, chain_id, icode, alt, model_num)] ############ Helper Funtions ################
[docs] def total_residue(self):
return len(self.all_residues)
[docs] def phi(self, i): """ Get the Phi Angle of i in radians :param i: int :rtype: float """ if i == 1 or not self.connected_to_previous(i): return 0.0 res = self.all_residues[i] try: n = res['N'].get_vector() ca = res['CA'].get_vector() c = res['C'].get_vector() res_minus_one = self.all_residues[i -1] cp = res_minus_one['C'].get_vector() phi = calc_dihedral(cp, n, ca, c) return phi except Exception: print "Could not get phi for "+repr(i)
raise LookupError
[docs] def psi(self, i): """ Get the Psi Angle of i in radians :param i: int :rtype: float """ res = self.all_residues[i] if i == len(self.all_residues) or not self.connected_to_next(i): return 0.0 try: n = res['N'].get_vector() ca = res['CA'].get_vector() c = res['C'].get_vector() res_plus_one = self.all_residues[i + 1] nn = res_plus_one['N'].get_vector() psi = calc_dihedral(n, ca, c, nn) return psi except Exception: print "Could not get psi for "+repr(i)
raise LookupError
[docs] def omega(self, i, rosetta_definitions = True): """ Get the Omega Angle of i in radians Omega is defined as the dihedral angle between the peptide bond of i and i + 1, as in Rosetta. If rosetta_definitions are False, omega is then treated as being between i and i -1 :param i: int :param reverse_rosetta_definitions: bool :rtype: float """ res = self.all_residues[i] try: n = res['N'].get_vector() ca = res['CA'].get_vector() c = res['C'].get_vector() if rosetta_definitions and i < len(self.all_residues) -1 and self.connected_to_next(i): res_plus_one = self.all_residues[i + 1] next_n = res_plus_one['N'].get_vector() next_ca = res_plus_one['CA'].get_vector() omega = calc_dihedral(ca, c, next_n, next_ca) return omega elif not rosetta_definitions and i > 1 and self.connected_to_previous(i): res_minus_one = self.all_residues[i - 1] pre_c = res_minus_one['C'].get_vector() pre_ca = res_minus_one['CA'].get_vector() omega = calc_dihedral(pre_ca, pre_c, n, ca) return omega else: return 0.0 except BaseException: print "Could not get omega for "+repr(i)
raise LookupError
[docs] def res_bond_distance(self, resi): """ Get the stored bond distances between residue and residue+1 :param res: int :rtype: float """
return self.peptide_bond_distances[resi]
[docs] def connected_to_next(self, resi, peptide_bond_distance_cutoff=1.8): if self.res_bond_distance(resi) <= peptide_bond_distance_cutoff: return True else:
return False
[docs] def connected_to_previous(self, resi, peptide_bond_distance_cutoff=1.8): if resi == 0: return False elif self.res_bond_distance(resi-1) <= peptide_bond_distance_cutoff: return True else:
return False
[docs] def get_sequence(self, chain_id, model_num = 0): """ Get a sequence of a chain - Not including alternate res locations :param chain_id: str :param model_num: int :rtype: str """ if self.get_chain_length(chain_id, model_num) == 0: return "" seq = "" for res in self.residues(chain_id, model_num): aa = self.res_definitions.get_one_letter_from_three(res.resname) if not aa: print "Setting NCAA as X: "+res.resname print "This could pose a problem!" seq = seq+'X' continue seq = seq+aa
return seq
[docs] def get_chain_length(self, chain_id, model_num = 0): """ Get the number of AA in a chain - Not including alternate res locations :param chain_id: str :rtype: int """
return len(self.residues(chain_id, model_num))
[docs] def get_chain_ids(self, model_num): """ Get all chain IDS for a model. :param model_num: int :rtype: list[str] """ ids = [] for chain in self.model(model_num): ids.append(
return ids ###### Private Members ####### def _setup_all_residues(self, model_num=0): """ Setup all residues in the model, for ease of use like a pose. :param model_num: int :rtype: list[bio.PDB.Residue.Residue] """ all_residues = vector1() for chain_id in self.get_chain_ids(model_num): #print "ChainID: "+chain_id residues = self.residues(chain_id, model_num) all_residues.extend(residues) return all_residues def _setup_pdb_info(self): """ Setup the PDBInfo mapping from residues to pdb iformation. :param model_num: int :rtype: PDBInfo """ pdb_info = PDBInfo() i = 1 for res in self.all_residues: s = ResidueRecord(self.res_definitions.get_one_letter_from_three(res.resname),[1], res.chain_id,[2]) pdb_info.add_residue_record(s) return pdb_info def _setup_peptide_bond_distances(self): bond_distances = defaultdict() for i in range(1, len(self.all_residues)+1): res = self.all_residues[i] if i == len(self.all_residues): bond_distances[i] = 0 else: try: bond_distances[i] = peptide_bond_distance(self.all_residues[i], self.all_residues[i+1]) except Exception: bond_distances[i] = None
return bond_distances ########## Testing Functions #############
[docs]def test_dihedrals(pose): """ Simple Test for Dihedral output :param pose: BioPose :rtype: bool """ for i in range(1, pose.total_residue()+1): print "\n"+str(pose.pdb_info.pose2pdb(i)) try: print "Phi: "+repr(math.degrees(pose.phi(i))) print "Psi: "+repr(math.degrees(pose.psi(i))) print "Omega:"+repr(math.degrees( except Exception: "Print could not get dihedral for resnum "+repr(i)
return True
[docs]def test_pdbinfo(pose): """ Simple Test for pdbinfo output. :param pose: BioPose :rtype: bool """ for i in range(1, pose.total_residue() +1): print repr(i) print pose.all_residues[i].id
print pose.pdb_info.pose2pdb(i) ######## Testing Main ############ if __name__ == "__main__": v = vector1([1, 2, 3]) for i in v: print repr(i) print len(v) print repr(v[3]) test_pdb = os.path.join(get_testing_inputs_path(),"2j88.pdb") pose = BioPose(test_pdb) test_dihedrals(pose)