Source code for jade.basic.structure.BasicPose

## @author Jared Adolf-Bryfogle (

#Rosetta Imports

#Python Imports
import os
import re
import copy

#Tkinter Imports
import tkFileDialog

from jade.basic.path import open_file

#Toolkit Imports
#import global_variables

[docs]class BasicPose: def __init__(self, pdb_file_path = ""): """ Lightweight PDB class specifically for manipulating pdbs in scripts and simple apps as well as obtaining subsets of data in the PDB. 2.0 Uses a vector of dictionaries as main pdb_map for easier manipulation of the pdb_map. Notes: Not Meant to be fast - written for ease of use! ALL elements of the pdb_map data are stored as strings! """ self.elements = ("id", "atom_number", "atom_name", "alternate_location", \ "three_letter_code", "chain", "residue_number", "i_code", "x", "y", "z", \ "occupancy", "b_factor", "element", "charge") self.pdb_file_path = pdb_file_path self.pdb_map = []; #[int line]:[string element]:[string value] self.header = [] #Unparsed header, but the data is held here as a list of strings. - Everything NOT ATOM or HETATM is here self.remarks = [] #Only REMARK lines as strings if pdb_file_path: self.read_pdb_into_map() else: print "Loading blank PythonPDB"
[docs] def set_pdb_map(self, pdb_map):
self.pdb_map = pdb_map #################################################################### # Getters + PDB_Map Subsets # #
[docs] def get_pdb_map(self):
return self.pdb_map
[docs] def get_header(self): """ Get 'header' of PDB as list of strings """
return self.header
[docs] def get_remarks(self): """ Get 'REMARK' lines of PDB as a list of strings """
return self.remarks
[docs] def add_remark(self, remark): remark = "REMARK "+remark
[docs] def get_chain(self, chain): """ Get Chain data as pdb_map subset """ chain_data = [] for dat in self.pdb_map: if dat["chain"] == chain: chain_data.append(dat)
return chain_data
[docs] def get_waters(self): """ Get water data as pdb_map subset """ water_data = [] for dat in self.pdb_map: if dat["three_letter_code"] in ["HOH","TP3","TP5","TIP3","TIP5"]: water_data.append(dat)
return water_data
[docs] def get_hetatms(self): """ Get hetatm data as pdb_map subset """ het_data = [] for dat in self.pdb_map: if dat["id"] == "HETATM": het_data.append(dat)
return het_data
[docs] def get_bb_data(self): """ Get pdb_map subset of only N, CA, and C atoms """ bb_data = [] for dat in self.pdb_map: if dat["atom_name"] in ["N", "CA", "C"]: bb_data.append(dat)
return bb_data
[docs] def get_all_residues_of_type(self, name3): """ Get PDB_Map subset of all residues of specific type """ res_data = [] for dat in self.pdb_map: if dat["three_letter_code"] == name3: res_data.append(name3)
return res_data
[docs] def get_residue(self, resnum, chain, icode= ""): """ Get PDB_Map subset of a specific residue """ residue = [] for dat in self.pdb_map: if dat["residue_number"] == str(resnum) and dat["chain"] == chain and dat["icode"] == "": residue.append(dat)
return residue #################################################################### # Main # #
[docs] def read_pdb_into_map(self): """ Reads PDB file path into a basic PDB map. All data is held as strings. """ FILE = open_file(self.pdb_file_path, 'r') i = 0 for line in FILE: line = line.strip() line = line.strip('\n') if not line: continue if"REMARK", line[0:6]): self.remarks.append(line) elif ("END", line[0:6]) or"TER", line[0:6])): #We ignore END and TER for now. pass elif ("ATOM", line[0:6]) or"HETATM", line[0:6])): self.pdb_map.append(dict()) self.pdb_map[i]["id"]=line[0:6].strip() self.pdb_map[i]["atom_number"]=line[6:11].strip(); self.pdb_map[i]["atom_name"] = line[12:16] self.pdb_map[i]["alternate_location"]=line[16]; self.pdb_map[i]["three_letter_code"] = line[17:21].strip() self.pdb_map[i]["chain"] = line[21].strip(); self.pdb_map[i]["residue_number"]= line[22:26].strip() self.pdb_map[i]["i_code"] = line[26]; self.pdb_map[i]["x"] = line[27:38].strip() self.pdb_map[i]["y"]= line[38:46].strip(); self.pdb_map[i]["z"]= line[46:54].strip() self.pdb_map[i]["occupancy"] = line[54:60].strip(); self.pdb_map[i]["b_factor"]=line[60:66].strip() self.pdb_map[i]["element"]=line[66:78].strip(); self.pdb_map[i]["charge"]=line[78:79].strip() i +=1 elif ("REMARK", line[0:6])): self.remarks.append(line) else: self.header.append(line)
[docs] def save_PDB(self, filename=False, output_remarks = True, output_header= True): """ Uses a the pdb_map to save the data as a PDB file. """ if filename==False: filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(mode = 'w', initialdir=global_variables.current_directory,title='Save As...') if not filename:return #global_variables.current_directory = os.path.dirname(filename) FILE = open(filename.strip('.gz'), 'w') if output_remarks: for line in self.remarks: FILE.write(line+"\n") if output_header: for line in self.header: FILE.write(line+"\n") for entry in self.pdb_map: line = self.morph_line_in_pdb_map_to_pdb_line(entry) FILE.write(line+"\n") FILE.close() print "PDB File Written..."
return filename
[docs] def morph_line_in_pdb_map_to_pdb_line(self, entry): """ Oh What fun. ;) Magic Numbers?: (6,5,4,3,1,4,8,8,8,4,5); """ #Here we fix the formating of atom name. If we stripped the atom name. """ atom_name = self.pdb_map[line_num]['atom_name'] if len(atom_name)==1: atom_name=' '+atom_name+' ' elif len(atom_name)==2: #Note that 2 letter elements like CA (calcium) differ from CA (C-Alpha) #If calcium, would go @column 13. if C-Alpha, column 14. atom_name=' '+atom_name+' ' elif len(atom_name)==3: atom_name=' '+atom_name elif len(atom_name)==4: atom_name=atom_name else: print "Atom Name missing. Inserting spaces." atom_name = ' ' """ #Create the PDB line. line = (entry['id']).ljust(6)+ (entry['atom_number']).rjust(5)+" "+ entry['atom_name']+ \ (entry['alternate_location'])+ ((entry['three_letter_code']).rjust(3)).ljust(4)+ (entry['chain'])+ \ (entry['residue_number']).rjust(4)+ (entry['i_code']) + \ (entry['x']).rjust(11)+ (entry['y']).rjust(8)+ (entry['z']).rjust(8) + \ (entry['occupancy']).rjust(6)+ (entry['b_factor']).rjust(6) #Note three letter code is wonky due to DA residues. ljust(4) was not working.
return line #################################################################### # Removal # #
[docs] def remove_antigen(self): """ Remove Antigen from an LH only PDB """ temp_pdb_map = copy.deepcopy(self.pdb_map) for dat in temp_pdb_map: if dat["chain"] not in ['L', 'H']:
[docs] def remove_chain(self, chain): """ Removes chain from pdb_map """ temp_pdb_map = copy.deepcopy(self.pdb_map) for dat in temp_pdb_map: if dat["chain"]==chain:
[docs] def remove_residue_type(self, name3): temp_pdb_map = copy.deepcopy(self.pdb_map) for dat in temp_pdb_map: if dat["three_letter_code"]==name3:
[docs] def remove_hetatm_atoms(self): temp_pdb_map = copy.deepcopy(self.pdb_map) for dat in temp_pdb_map: if dat["id"]=="HETATM":
[docs] def remove_element_column(self): """ Removes the extra stuff in the element column, but not the element itself. """ for i in range(0, len(self.pdb_map)): ele = self.pdb_map[i]["element"] e = ele[11] self.pdb_map[i]["element"]=" "+e print "Extra stuff in Element Columns Removed"
return self.pdb_map
[docs] def remove_waters(self): """ Removes waters from pdb_map """ #codes = ["HOH","TP3","TP5","TIP3","TIP5"] temp_pdb_map = copy.deepcopy(self.pdb_map); #This is to pop elements for dat in temp_pdb_map: if dat["three_letter_code"] in ["HOH","TP3","TP5","TIP3","TIP5"]: #self.pdb_map.pop(num)
[docs] def remove_alternate_residues(self): """ Removes any alternate residue codes and renumbers by renumbering from 1 and integrating any inserts. """ def get_residue_num(num): return int(self.pdb_map_copy[num]["residue_number"]) def set_residue_num(num, resnum): self.pdb_map[num]["residue_number"]=str(resnum) def get_chain(num):return self.pdb_map_copy[num]["chain"] def get_i_code(num):return self.pdb_map_copy[num]["i_code"] def check_id(num): if self.pdb_map_copy[num]['id']=="ATOM": return True else: return False def check_new_residue(old_num, num, insert_residue=False, pdb_map = False): if insert_residue: if get_i_code(old_num)==get_i_code(num): return False else: return True else: if get_residue_num(old_num)==get_residue_num(num): return False else: return True def check_new_chain(old_num, num): if get_chain(old_num)==get_chain(num): return False else: return True def check_insertion(num): if not get_i_code(num)==" ": return True else: return False def renumber_from_one(chain_only, start_num): resnum = 1 for num in sorted(chain_only): insert = check_insertion(num) #print repr(get_residue_num(num))+":"+repr(insert) #This is so we don't check if it's a new residue with num-1 - Which won't actually be part of the chain! if num==start_num: set_residue_num(num, resnum) #Iterate resnum if new residue elif check_new_residue(num-1, num, insert): resnum+=1 set_residue_num(num, resnum) else: set_residue_num(num, resnum) #Set i code at the end, so we can tell if we have new residues or not. for num in sorted(chain_only): self.pdb_map[num]["i_code"]=" " def renumber_from_insert(chain_only, start_num): pass self.pdb_map_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.pdb_map) #Get chains with insertion codes - Now renumbers all chains. Will be an option later. chains_with_inserts = dict(); for num in range(0, len(self.pdb_map)): #if get_i_code(num)==" ": chains_with_inserts[get_chain(num)]=True #Iterate through all lines/atoms #Initialize for scope start_residue=0; new_start=False for chain in chains_with_inserts: print "Renumbering chain "+chain chain_only=dict() for num in range(0, len(self.pdb_map)): if chain == get_chain(num) and check_id(num): chain_only[num]=self.pdb_map[num] lines = sorted(chain_only) res_start = get_residue_num(lines[0])
renumber_from_one(chain_only, lines[0]) #For now, we only renumber from one. #else: #chain_only = renumber_from_insert(chain_only, lines[0]) #################################################################### # General Manipulation # #
[docs] def change_occupancy(self): """ Changes ALL occupancies in a PDB dictionary to 1.00 Returns PDB Dictionary. """ check = 0 for key in range(0, len(self.pdb_map)): if self.pdb_map[key]["occupancy"].rfind("0.00")!=-1: print "Changing occupancy of residue " + self.pdb_map[key]["residue_number"] + "To 1.00" check =1 self.pdb_map[key]["occupancy"] = " 1.00" if check ==1:
print "Occupancy Column OK for PyRosetta..."
[docs] def combine_pdb(self, py_pdb): """ Combines pdb_map from instance of PyPDB to this one. Does not do any checks. """ m = py_pdb.get_pdb_map() for dat in m:
[docs] def copy_chain_into_pdb_map(self, py_pdb, chain): """ Copies all data from one pdb_map of a py_pdb of a chain into the one held in this class. Useful for reordering chains. """ m = py_pdb.get_pdb_map() for dat in m: if dat["chain"] == chain:
[docs] def copy_all_but_chains_into_pdb_map(self, py_pdb, chains): """ Copies all data from one pdb_map of a py_pdb of all data except the specified chains into this one. Useful for reordering chains. """ m = py_pdb.get_pdb_map() for dat in m: if not dat["chain"] in chains:
[docs] def combine_pdb_map(self, pdb_map): """ Combines pdb_map passed with the PythonPDBs map """ for dat in pdb_map:
[docs] def clean_PDB(self): """ Removes HSD, Waters: Tries to fix atom and residue name inconsistencies. HAS worked for changing a single MD pdb (NAMD) frame to Rosetta file. PLEASE Expand if possible to alias all residues for Rosetta compatability. NOT gaurenteed, but SHOULD work ok. """ self.RESIDUES_aliased = False; self.WATER_aliased=False; self.IONS_aliased=False; self.DNA_aliased = False waters = []; #List of keys that have waters print "Attempting to change residue names, atom names, and water" for key in self.pdb_map: #print self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"] def alias_dna(): if self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"]=="DA": self.DNA_aliased=True self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"]="A" elif self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"]=="DT": self.DNA_aliased=True self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"]="T" elif self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"]=="DC": self.DNA_aliased=True self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"]="C" elif self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"]=="DG": self.DNA_aliased=True self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"]="G" else: return def alias_water(): if self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"] in ["HOH", "TIP3", "WAT", "TIP5"]: self.WATER_aliased=True self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"]="TP3"; #IO_STRING for TP3 is WAT...Buy still reads TP#? self.pdb_map[key]["id"]="HETATM" waters.append(key) #def alias_ions(): #if self.pdb_map[key]["chain"]=="I": #IONS_aliased= True #self.pdb_map[key]["id"]="HETATM" def alias_residues(): if self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"] == "HSD": self.RESIDUES_aliased = True self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"]="HIS" def alias_atoms(): if self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"]== "SER ": atom_pairs = {" HG1":" HG "} elif self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"]=="ILE ": atom_pairs = {" CD ":" CD1"} self.pdb_map = self.pdb_atom_alias(key, atom_pairs) elif self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"]=="LEU ": atom_pairs = {" OT1":" O ", " OT2":" OXT"} self.pdb_map = self.pdb_atom_alias(key, atom_pairs) elif self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"]=="VAL ": atom_pairs = {" OT1":" O ", " OT2":" OXT"} self.pdb_map = self.pdb_atom_alias(key, atom_pairs) elif self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"]=="LYS ": atom_pairs = {" HZ1":" 1HZ", " HZ2":" 2HZ", " HZ3":" 3HZ"} self.pdb_map = self.pdb_atom_alias(key, atom_pairs) elif self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"]=="ARG ": atom_pairs = {" HH11":" 1HH1", " HH12":" 2HH1", " HH21":" 1HH2", " HH22":" 2HH2"} self.pdb_map = self.pdb_atom_alias(key, atom_pairs) elif self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"]=="ASN ": atom_pairs = {"HD21":"1HD2", "HD22":"2HD2"} self.pdb_map = self.pdb_atom_alias(key, atom_pairs) elif self.pdb_map[key]["three_letter_code"]=="PRO ": atom_pairs = {" OT1":" O ", " OT2":" OXT", " HD1":" 1HD", " HD2":" 2HD", " HB1":" 1HB", " HG1":" 1HG", " HG2":" 2HG"} self.pdb_map = self.pdb_atom_alias(key, atom_pairs) #Unnessessary, but organized. alias_water() #alias_ions() #alias_residues() alias_atoms() alias_dna() #Removes Waters. Keeps Ions. #for key in waters: #self.pdb_map.pop(key) #Outputs what was found: if self.RESIDUES_aliased: print "Residues Changed" if self.WATER_aliased: print "Water found...changed to TP3. Remove to decrease calculation time." if self.IONS_aliased: print "Ions found. Most are able to be read into Rosetta" if self.DNA_aliased:
print "DNA found, changed to single letter code."
[docs] def pdb_alias(self, pairs, element): """ Replaces ALL occurances of old element with new from pair. pair is a dictionary. In C++ it would be an array of pairs. [string old]:[string new] For Specific functions, please see below. """ for num in range(0, len(self.pdb_map)): for old in pairs: if self.pdb_map[num][element]==old:
[docs] def pdb_atom_alias(self, line_num, pair): """ Replaces atom_names with ones Rosetta is happy with. pair is a dictionary. In C++ it would be an array of pairs. [string MD atom_name]:[string rosetta atom_name] """ for start in pair: if self.pdb_map[line_num]["atom_name"]==start: print self.pdb_map[line_num]["three_letter_code"]+":"+self.pdb_map[line_num]["atom_name"]+":"+ pair[start]
[docs] def pdb_residue_alias(self, pairs): """ Replaces ALL occurances of old residue with new residue. pair is a dictionary. In C++ it would be an array of pairs. [string old residue_name]:[string new residue_name] """ for num in self.pdb_map: for old in pairs: if self.pdb_map[num]["residue_name"]==old:
[docs] def pdb_chain_alias(self, pairs): """ Replaces ALL occurances of old chain with new chain. pair is a dictionary. In C++ it would be an array of pairs. [string old chain]:[string new chain] """ for num in self.pdb_map: for old in pairs: if self.pdb_map[num]["chain"]==old:
self.pdb_map[num]["chain"]=pairs[old] #################################################################### # B Factor Replacements # #
[docs] def read_file_and_replace_b_factors(self, deliminator, filename="", resnum_column=1, chain_column=2, data_column=3, atomname_column=False): """ This function reads a deliminated file with data and inserts the data into the BFactor column. Used to visualize arbitrary data. Use function options to control which column the data is in as well as where your resnums and chains are located. If atomname column is given, will insert by atom instead of by residue """ if not filename: filename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(title="Data file", initialdir=global_variables.current_directory) if not filename:return global_variables.current_directory = os.path.dirname(filename) INFILE = open(filename, 'r') for line in INFILE: if line[0] == "#":continue line = line.strip() lineSP = line.split(deliminator) if len(lineSP)<3: print "Could not read line. Must have resnum, chain, and data columns" continue if not atomname_column: self.replace_residue_b_factor(lineSP[resnum_column-1], lineSP[chain_column-1], lineSP[data_column-1]) else: if len(lineSP)<4: print "Could not read line. Must have resnum, chain, atomname, and data columns" continue self.replace_atom_b_factor(lineSP[resnum_column-1], lineSP[chain_column-1], lineSP[atomname_column-1], lineSP[data_column-1])
[docs] def replace_residue_b_factor(self, resnum, chain, data): """ Replaces the b factor of each atom in the residue with data. Can be all string representations or not. """ if type(resnum)!=str: resnum = str(resnum) if type(data)!=float: data=float(data); #In case data is an integer. #Need to make sure Bfactor column is adjusted correctly. for line in range(0, len(self.pdb_map)): if ((self.pdb_map[line]['residue_number']==resnum) and (self.pdb_map[line]['chain']==chain)): self.pdb_map[line]['b_factor']="%.2f"%data else:
[docs] def replace_atom_b_factor(self, resnum, chain, atomname, data): """ Replaces the b factor of an atom. Can be all string representations or not. """ if type(resnum)!=str: resnum = str(resnum) if type(data)!=float: data=float(data); #Need to make sure Bfactor column is adjusted correctly. for line in range(0, len(self.pdb_map)): if ((self.pdb_map[line]['residue_number']==resnum) and (self.pdb_map[line]['chain']==chain) and (self.pdb_map[line]["atom_name"]==atomname)): self.pdb_map[line]['b_factor']="%.2f"%data else: