Source code for jade.basic.sequence.ClustalRunner

import os
import sys
import multiprocessing
from jade.basic.threading.Threader import *

[docs]class ClustalRunner: """ A very simple class wrapper to run clustal omega. """ def __init__(self, fasta_path, clustal_name="clustal_omega", clustal_dir = None): self.fasta_path = fasta_path self.clustal_name = clustal_name self.clustal_dir = clustal_dir self.output_format = "clu" self.accepted_output_formats = ['fasta', 'clustal', 'msf', 'phylip', 'selex', 'stockholm', 'vienna', 'a2m', 'fa', 'clu', 'phy', 'st', 'vie'] self.hard_wrap = 100 self.threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() self.extra_options = ""
[docs] def set_fasta_path(self, fasta_path): """ Set the fasta path for alignment. """
self.fasta_path = fasta_path
[docs] def set_output_format(self, output_format): """ Set the output format """ if not output_format in self.accepted_output_formats: print "Unrecognized clustal output format: "+output_format return
self.output_format = output_format
[docs] def set_hard_wrap(self, hard_wrap): """ Set the number of charactors before clustal will wrap. Usually 60-80. """
self.hard_wrap = hard_wrap
[docs] def set_threads(self, threads): """ Limit the number of threads for Clustal """
self.threads = threads
[docs] def set_extra_options(self, extra_options = ""): """ Set any extra options as a string which will be added to the end of the command line. """
self.extra_options = extra_options
[docs] def output_alignment(self, out_dir, out_name, parellel_process = False): """ Configure command line and Run Clustal Omega """ if not os.path.exists(self.fasta_path): sys.exit("Fasta Path not good! Cannot continue!") if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.mkdir(out_dir) print "Running alignment on: "+self.fasta_path print "Outputting to: "+out_dir print "As - "+out_name if self.clustal_dir: clustal = self.clustal_dir+"/"+self.clustal_name else: clustal = self.clustal_name out_path = out_dir+"/"+out_name cmd_line = clustal+ \ " -i "+self.fasta_path+ \ " -o "+out_path+ \ " --outfmt "+self.output_format+ \ " --wrap "+repr(self.hard_wrap)+ \ " "+self.extra_options #cmd_line = cmd_line+ " --threads "+repr(self.threads) - Requires OpenMP support print "Running Clustal Omega: "+cmd_line print "Running: "+cmd_line if parellel_process: threader = Threader() #threader.run_system_command(cmd) threader.run_functions([lambda: os.system(cmd_line)])