Source code for jade.RAbD_BM.AnalysisInfo

import json, os, sys

import jade.rosetta_jade.BenchmarkInfo as rosetta_bms
from jade.basic.path import get_decoy_name

[docs]class AnalysisInfo: """ Simple class that parses a json file which defines (USING RELATIVE PATHS): 1) exp - The name of the experiment - whatever you want it to be. 2) decoy_dir - the directory of the decoys. 3) features_db - the db where the features reporters have been run. The class will store this information, and parse the benchmark info in the decoy dir, storing a BenchmarkInfo object. Benchmark classes and scripts will take lists to these analysis files and use them to generate plots and data. """ def __init__(self, json_path): print "Loading "+json_path self.json_path = json_path JSON_FILE = open(self.json_path, 'r') = json.load(JSON_FILE) JSON_FILE.close() self.bm_info = rosetta_bms.BenchmarkInfo(self.get_decoy_dir(), os.path.basename(self.get_decoy_dir()), self.get_exp())
[docs] def get_bm_info(self): """ Get the benchmark info :rtype: rosetta_bms.BenchmarkInfo """
return self.bm_info
[docs] def get_exp(self):
[docs] def get_decoy_dir(self):
[docs] def get_features_db(self):
[docs]class NativeInfo: """ Simple class to hold native information. """ def __init__(self, dataset, input_pdb_type, root_dataset_dir="datasets"): def load_pdbids(path): """ Read PDBLISTS and return an array of PDB names :param path: str :rtype: [str] """ pdbids = [] print "reading from "+path if not os.path.exists(path): return pdbids INFILE = open(path, 'r') for line in INFILE: line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith("#"):continue pdbids.append(get_decoy_name(line)) INFILE.close() return pdbids self.dataset = dataset self.input_pdb_type = input_pdb_type self.root_dataset_dir = root_dataset_dir self.lambda_pdbids = self.pdbids = load_pdbids(os.path.join(root_dataset_dir, "pdblists",".".join([self.dataset, "lambda.PDBLIST.txt"]))) self.kappa_pdbids = self.pdbids = load_pdbids(os.path.join(root_dataset_dir, "pdblists", ".".join([self.dataset, "kappa.PDBLIST.txt"]))) self.pdbids = self.lambda_pdbids self.pdbids.extend(self.kappa_pdbids) self.db_path = os.path.join(self.root_dataset_dir, "databases", ".".join([self.input_pdb_type, "native_ab_features.db"])) if not os.path.exists(self.db_path): sys.exit("DB Path, "+self.db_path+" , does not exist. Please use the generate_rabd_features_dbs script to generate.") self.decoy_path = os.path.join(self.root_dataset_dir, self.input_pdb_type)
[docs] def get_features_db(self):
return self.db_path
[docs] def get_decoy_dir(self):
return self.decoy_path