Source code for jade.RAbD.AnalyzeAntibodyDesigns

import sqlite3

import pandas

# PyIgD
from jade.pymol_jade.PyMolScriptWriter import *
from jade.antibody.cdr_data.CDRDataTypes import *
from jade.antibody.decoy_data.DecoyDataTypes import *
from jade.basic.sequence import fasta
from jade.basic.filters.DataFilters import *
from jade.basic.filters.FilterSettings import *
from jade.basic.threading.Threader import *
from jade.basic.pandas import PandasDataFrame
from jade.RAbD_BM.AnalysisInfo import *

# Rosetta Tools
import jade.rosetta_jade.FeaturesJsonCreator as json_creator

[docs]class CompareAntibodyDesignStrategies: """ Class mainly for comparing different Antibody Design strategies using our Features Databases. """ def __init__(self, db_dir, out_dir_name, strategies=[], jsons = []): """ :param db_dir: :param out_dir_name: :param strategies: :param jsons: """ #Init construction options self.db_dir = StringVar(value=db_dir) self.out_dir_name = StringVar(value=out_dir_name) self.native_path = None self.strategies = strategies self.jsons = jsons #Init Classes and data self.db_paths = defaultdict() self.filter_settings = FilterSettings() #Init Components self._init_default_options() self._init_paths() self._init_scores() self._init_default_scores() self._init_cdrs() def _init_default_options(self): self.scorefxn = "talaris2014" self.main_dir = StringVar() self.reference_db = StringVar() self.clustal_soft_wrap = IntVar(value=100) self.reload_scores = IntVar(value=1) self.top_n = IntVar(value=15) self.top_n_combined = IntVar(value=15) self.features_hbond_set = IntVar() self.features_hbond_sets = ["", "_min_hbond_analysis", "_no_hbond_analysis"] self.features_hbond_set.set(1) self.query_hbonds = IntVar(value=0) self.is_camelid = IntVar() self.is_camelid.set(0) self.top_total_percent = IntVar() self.top_total_percent.set(10) self.backround_features = IntVar() self.backround_features.set(1) self.rosetta_extension = StringVar() self.rosetta_extension.set("linuxclangrelease") self.individual_analysis = IntVar(value = 1) self.combined_analysis = IntVar(value = 0) self.load_origin_pdbs = IntVar(value = 1) self.pyigclassify_dir = StringVar() def _init_paths(self): self.cdr_rel_path = "DBOUT/cdr_pdbs_redun_by_cdr_overhang_3" self.weblogo_rel_path = "DBOUT/weblogos" self.ab_db_rel_path = "DBOUT/website" self.redun_db_name = "antibody_database_redundant.db" self.nr_db_name = "antibody_database_rosetta_design.db" def _init_scores(self): total_scores = TotalDecoyData() dg_scores = dGDecoyData() dsasa_scores = dSASADecoyData() top10_by_10 = dGTotalScoreSubset() #hbonds_int = IntHbondDecoyData() sc_value = SCValueDecoyData() unsats = DeltaUnsatsPerAreaDecoyData() self.scores = [total_scores, dg_scores, dsasa_scores, top10_by_10, sc_value, unsats] def _init_default_scores(self): #Setup the scores that are on self.score_names = self._get_score_names() self.scores_on = defaultdict() for score_name in self.score_names: self.scores_on[score_name] = IntVar(value=0) self.scores_on["dG"].set(1) self.scores_on["dG_top_Ptotal"].set(1) self.scores_on["total"].set(1) self.scores_on["delta_unsats_per_1000_dSASA"].set(1) def _init_cdrs(self): self.cdrs = defaultdict() self.cdrs["L1"] = IntVar(value=1) self.cdrs["L2"] = IntVar(value=1) self.cdrs["L3"] = IntVar(value=1) self.cdrs["H1"] = IntVar(value=1) self.cdrs["H2"] = IntVar(value=1) self.cdrs["H3"] = IntVar(value=1) def _get_score_names(self): names = [] for score in self.scores: names.append( return names def _get_score_names_on(self): names = [] for name in self._get_score_names(): if self.scores_on[name]: names.append(name) return names def _setup_outdir(self, subdirs=[], use_out_dir_name=True): """ Sets up the main output dir in the main_analys_dir, and any subdirectories such as 'decoys' or decoys/combined_3 Returns the final output directory """ filters = self._setup_filters() # if self.out_dir_name.get() and use_out_dir_name and filters: # outdir = self.main_dir.get()+"/"+self.out_dir_name.get()+"_" # elif self.out_dir_name.get() and use_out_dir_name: # outdir = self.main_dir.get()+"/"+self.out_dir_name.get() # elif filters: # outdir = self.out_dir_name.get()+"/" # else: outdir = os.getcwd() if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) for subdir in subdirs: if not subdir: continue outdir = outdir + "/" + subdir if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) return outdir def _setup_outdir_individual(self, subdirs=[], use_outdir_name=False): return self._setup_outdir(["analysis_individual", self.out_dir_name.get()] + subdirs, use_outdir_name) def _setup_outdir_combined(self, subdirs=[]): return self._setup_outdir(["analysis_combined", self.out_dir_name.get()] + subdirs, False) def _setup_cdrs(self): """ Get a list of CDRs to process for [many] non-features related tasks. """ cdrs = [] camelid_cdrs = ["L1", "L2", "L3"] for cdr_name in self.cdrs: if self.is_camelid.get() and cdr_name in camelid_cdrs: continue if self.cdrs[cdr_name].get(): cdrs.append(cdr_name) return cdrs def _setup_scores(self, features_type="antibody", use_all=False): """ Setup the Score Classes. If not use_all, will use only use those set. :rtype: list of DecoyData """ self._init_scores() score_subset = [] query_hbonds = self.query_hbonds.get() for score in self.scores: if == "hbond_count" or == "hbond_energy": if self.scores_on[].get(): query_hbonds = True # Quickly analyze scores with the same settings... if not self.reload_scores.get(): for score_class in self.scores: if self.scores_on[].get() or use_all: score_subset.append(copy.deepcopy(score_class)) return score_subset hb_loader = InterfaceHBondDecoyDataLoader() filters = self._setup_filters() if self.is_camelid.get(): for score in self.scores: score.set_interface('H_A') if filters: self.scores.append(CombinedStrDecoyData(filters, for strategy in self.strategies: db_path = self.get_db_path(strategy, features_type) if not os.path.exists(db_path): sys.exit( "DB path does not exist. Please Run Features reporter with StructureScores and ScoreTypes for this strategy\n" + db_path) print db_path con = sqlite3.connect(db_path) if query_hbonds: if filters: hb_loader.add_filters(filters, hb_loader.add_data(strategy, con) for score_class in self.scores: if filters: score_class.add_filters(filters, # We set these up later if == "hbond_count" or == "hbond_energy": continue if == "dG_top_Ptotal": score_class.add_data(strategy, con, self.top_total_percent.get()) else: score_class.add_data(strategy, con) # Setup each Hbond Data class if query_hbonds: for score_class in self.scores: if == "hbond_count" or == "hbond_energy": score_class.setup_from_loader(hb_loader) for score_class in self.scores: if self.scores_on[].get() or use_all: score_subset.append(copy.deepcopy(score_class)) return score_subset def _get_score(self, score_name): """ Get a particular score class. May or may not be initialized. See setup_scores. :param score_name: :rtype: DecoyData """ for score in self.scores: if == score_name: return score return None def _setup_filters(self): filters = [] if self.filter_settings.h3_filter.get(): filters.append(H3ExtendedFilter()) if self.filter_settings.extra_required_where: custom_filter = DataFilter("custom_filter", type="unknown") custom_filter.required_tables = self.filter_settings.extra_required_tables custom_filter.required_wheres = self.filter_settings.extra_required_where filters.append(custom_filter) energy_filters = defaultdict() energy_filters["dG"] = dGCutoffFilter(0) energy_filters["dSASA"] = dSASACutoffFilter(0) energy_filters["total"] = TotalScoreCutoffFilter(0) for energy_type in self.filter_settings.energy_types: if not self.filter_settings.get_energy_enabled(energy_type): continue filter = energy_filters[energy_type] filter.set_value(self.filter_settings.get_energy_cutoff(energy_type)) filters.append(filter) return filters def _setup_cdr_types(self, data_type, is_camelid, features_type='antibody'): if data_type == "length": data_class = CDRLengthData(self.native_path, is_camelid) elif data_type == "cluster": data_class = CDRClusterData(self.native_path, is_camelid) elif data_type == "sequence": data_class = CDRSequenceData(self.native_path, is_camelid) elif data_type == "aligned_sequence": data_class = CDRAlignedSequenceData(self._setup_outdir_individual(['clustal']), self._setup_outdir_combined(['clustal']), self.native_path, is_camelid) else: sys.exit("data_type not understood!") for strategy in self.strategies: db_path = self.get_db_path(strategy, features_type) if not os.path.exists(db_path): sys.exit( "DB path does not exist. Please Run Features reporter with StructureScores and ScoreTypes for this strategy\n" + db_path) print db_path con = sqlite3.connect(db_path) data_class.add_data(strategy, con) return data_class
[docs] def set_cdrs_from_list(self, cdr_list): for name in self.cdrs: if name in cdr_list: self.cdrs[name].set(1) else:
[docs] def set_strategies_from_db_dir_top_dir(self): dirs = glob.glob(self.db_dir.get() + "/TOP_*") non_redun = defaultdict() for d in sorted(dirs): # print d non_redun["_".join(d.split("_")[3:])] = None for x in sorted(non_redun.keys()): # print x
[docs] def set_strategies_from_databases(self): """ Set the strategies from the db_dir/databases directory :return: """ if not os.path.exists(self.db_dir.get()): print "Could not find any databases to use for analysis. Please make sure databases are in " + self.db_dir.get() print "Databases should end with .db or .db3 extension. Naming format of databases: strategy.features_type.scorefunction.db" print "WTF?" return dbs = glob.glob(self.db_dir.get() + "/*.db*") if len(dbs) == 0: print "Could not find any databases to use for analysis. Please make sure databases are in " + self.db_dir.get() print "Databases should end with .db or .db3 extension. Naming format of databases: strategy.features_type.scorefunction.db" return print repr(dbs) nr_dbs = defaultdict() for db in sorted(dbs): print db x = os.path.basename(db) ##Example naming convention: 'ch103_5_CDR_prelim.norm_ab_features.db' strategy = '.'.join(x.split('.')[:-2]) print strategy if len(x.split('.')[-2].split('_')) > 2: strategy = strategy + '.' + '_'.join(x.split('.')[-2].split('_')[:-2]) print strategy if not nr_dbs.has_key(strategy): self.strategies.append(strategy) nr_dbs[strategy] = " " self.db_paths[strategy] = [] self.db_paths[strategy].append(db) else:
[docs] def set_strategies_from_json_infos(self): """ Uses self.json, which are AnalysisInfo classes, to populate. :return: """ if not self.jsons: print "JSONS NOT SET!" return nr_dbs = defaultdict() for info in self.jsons: if not isinstance(info, AnalysisInfo): sys.exit() db = info.get_features_db() print db ##Example naming convention: 'ch103_5_CDR_prelim.norm_ab_features.db' strategy = info.get_exp() print strategy if not nr_dbs.has_key(strategy): self.strategies.append(strategy) nr_dbs[strategy] = " " self.db_paths[strategy] = [] self.db_paths[strategy].append(db) else:
[docs] def set_strategies(self, strategies):
self.strategies = strategies
[docs] def get_strategies(self):
return self.strategies
[docs] def get_db_path(self, strategy, features_type='antibody'): names = { 'antibody': ['ab', 'antibody'], 'cluster': ['cl', 'cluster', 'ab', 'antibody'] } for p in self.db_paths[strategy]: for match in names[features_type]: if, p): return p print "Matching database name not found for features type: " + features_type
print "Database must have any of these names in them: " + repr(names[features_type])
[docs] def get_full_features_type(self, type): if type == "cluster": return type else:
return type + "_minimal" + self.features_hbond_sets[self.features_hbond_set.get()] ################ Main Functions #######################
[docs] def run_features(self, type, plot_name=""): if not plot_name: plot_name = self.out_dir_name.get() if not plot_name: print "No root name set!" return os.system("rm build") outdir = self._setup_outdir(["plots", plot_name], False) db_dir = self.db_dir.get() if len(self.strategies) == 0: return if not os.path.exists(db_dir): sys.exit("Please run Features reporter and copy databases to db directory.") fulltype = self.get_full_features_type(type) creator = json_creator.JsonCreator(outdir, fulltype) if self.reference_db.get() and os.path.exists(self.reference_db.get()): creator.add_sample_source_info(self.reference_db.get(), "ref", True) for strategy in self.strategies: id = strategy id = id.replace("talaris2013", "talaris") # Fix up the name so it is not too long. Will add options to do this manually later: """ id = id.replace("cluster", "clus") id = id.replace("exclude", "excl") id = id.replace("include", "incl") """ db_path = self.get_db_path(strategy, type) if not os.path.exists(db_path): sys.exit(db_path + " does not exist!") creator.add_sample_source_info(db_path, id) creator.save_json(outdir + "/" + type + "_" + plot_name + ".json") print "Creating: "+outdir + "/" + type + "_" + plot_name + ".json" creator.run_json(self.backround_features.get()) # pwd = os.getcwd() # os.chdir("build") # os.system("cp -r *../"+outdir) # os.system("mv build build_old") # os.chdir(pwd) print "Plots ignore any set filters. To plot with filters, create new databases through query..."
print "Complete..."
[docs] def get_pandas_dataframe(self): """ Gets a pandas Dataframe for all :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ dfs = [] output_names = ["strategy"] #Controls the order of the output names. for score in self._setup_scores(use_all=True): if == "dG_top_Ptotal":continue if isinstance(score, DecoyData): pass output_names.append( df = score.get_pandas_dataframe() dfs.append(df) cdr_types = ["length", "cluster", "sequence", "aligned_sequence"] for t in cdr_types: cdr_data = self._setup_cdr_types(t, self.is_camelid.get()) cdr_names = [cdr for cdr in cdr_data.cdrs if cdr in self._setup_cdrs()] for cdr in cdr_names: output_names.append("_".join([cdr,])) df = cdr_data.get_pandas_dataframe(cdr_names) dfs.append(df) df = PandasDataFrame.drop_duplicate_columns(pandas.concat(dfs, axis=1, join="outer"))
return df
[docs] def get_top_from_dataframe(self, score_name): """ Gets a pandas Dataframe for top :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ df = self.get_pandas_dataframe() dfs = [] for strategy in self.get_strategies(): dfs.append(df["strategy" == strategy].sort_values(score_name)[0:self.top_n.get()-1]) df = PandasDataFrame.drop_duplicate_columns(pandas.concat(dfs))
return df
[docs] def get_top_dataframe_by_all_scores(self): """ Get a pandas DataFrame for top, grouped by the type of score that is on. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ dfs = [] score_names = self._get_score_names_on() for score_name in score_names: if score_name == "dG_top_Ptotal":continue df = self.get_top_from_dataframe(score_name) df["by_score_group"] = score_name dfs.append(df) df = PandasDataFrame.drop_duplicate_columns(pandas.concat(dfs))
return df
[docs] def output_all_data_as_excel_file(self, top = True): final_dfs = [] final_tab_names = [] #All Data: dfs, names = self.get_csv_data(top, summary = False) final_dfs.extend(dfs) final_tab_names.extend(names) #Summary Data: dfs, names = self.get_csv_data(top, summary = True) final_dfs.extend(dfs)
[docs] def output_csv_data(self, top = False, summary = False): """ Output a CSV file of combined or individual data. """ output_dfs, output_names = self.get_csv_data(top, summary) for index, df in enumerate(output_dfs): name = output_names[index] df.to_csv(name+".csv")
print "Wrote: "+name+".csv"
[docs] def get_csv_data(self, top = False, summary = False): """ Get data by converting everything to a pandas dataframe first. For now, one function pretty much does everything. :rtype: [pandas.Dataframe],[str] """ final_dfs = [] final_names = [] dfs = [] venn_dfs = [] #Best decoys/data seen in all score classes of the top n together. output_names = ["strategy"] #Controls the order of the output names. venn2_cat = ['dG', 'total'] venn2_dfs = [] #Venn on dG and Total score. for score in self._setup_scores(use_all=True): if == "dG_top_Ptotal":continue if isinstance(score, DecoyData): pass output_names.append( venn_dfs.append(score.get_pandas_dataframe(top_n=self.top_n.get())) df = score.get_pandas_dataframe() print df.tail() dfs.append(df) if in venn2_cat: venn2_dfs.append(df) cdr_types = ["length", "cluster", "sequence", "aligned_sequence"] for t in cdr_types: cdr_data = self._setup_cdr_types(t, self.is_camelid.get()) cdr_names = [cdr for cdr in cdr_data.cdrs if cdr in self._setup_cdrs()] for cdr in cdr_names: output_names.append("_".join([cdr,])) df = cdr_data.get_pandas_dataframe(cdr_names) #df.to_csv(self._setup_outdir_individual()+"/test_cdr_"".csv") dfs.append(df) venn_dfs.append(df) venn2_dfs.append(df) combined_scores = PandasDataFrame.drop_duplicate_columns(pandas.concat(dfs, axis=1, join="outer")) #Drop Duplicates combined_scores = combined_scores[output_names] combined_scores = combined_scores.apply(pandas.to_numeric, errors='ignore') = "decoy" if top: venn_df = PandasDataFrame.drop_duplicate_columns(pandas.concat(venn_dfs, axis=1, join="inner")) venn_df = venn_df[output_names] venn_df.sort_values(['strategy', 'dG']) #venn_df.to_csv(open(self._setup_outdir_individual()+"/ind_per_model_ven_top_"+str(self.top_n.get())+".csv", "w")) venn2_df = PandasDataFrame.drop_duplicate_columns(pandas.concat(venn_dfs, axis=1, join="inner")) venn2_df = venn2_df[output_names] venn2_df.sort_values(['strategy', 'dG']) #venn2_df.to_csv(open(self._setup_outdir_individual()+"/ind_per_model_ven_dG_total_top_"+str(self.top_n.get())+".csv", "w")) score_dfs=[] score_names = self._get_score_names_on() for score_name in score_names: if score_name == "dG_top_Ptotal": sort_name = 'dG' else: sort_name = score_name strat_dfs=[] for strategy in self.get_strategies(): """ if score_name == "dG_top_Ptotal": score = self._get_score(score_name) decoy_list = score.get_ordered_decoy_list(strategy, self.top_n.get()) df = combined_scores[combined_scores.index.isin(decoy_list)] df.sort(columns=[sort_name]) #This sort is not working, have no idea why. else: df = combined_scores[combined_scores['strategy'] == strategy].sort(score_name)[0:self.top_n.get()] #Best N df.sort(columns=[sort_name]) """ #Generally, will use order to get top scores. score = self._get_score(score_name) decoy_list = score.get_ordered_decoy_list(strategy, self.top_n.get()) df = combined_scores[combined_scores.index.isin(decoy_list)] df.sort_values([sort_name]) strat_dfs.append(df) top_df = pandas.concat(strat_dfs) top_df["by_score_group"] = score_name score_dfs.append(top_df) top_df = PandasDataFrame.drop_duplicate_columns(pandas.concat(score_dfs)) name_order=["by_score_group"] name_order.extend(output_names) top_df = top_df[name_order] if self.individual_analysis.get(): if summary: top_df = top_df.apply(pandas.to_numeric, errors='ignore') final_dfs.append(top_df.groupby(by=["strategy", "by_score_group"]).describe(exclude=['object'])) final_names.append(self._setup_outdir_individual()+"/per_strategy_summary_top") else: final_dfs.append(top_df) final_names.append(self._setup_outdir_individual()+"/ind_per_model_top") if self.combined_analysis.get(): dfs = [] for score_name in self._get_score_names_on(): score = self._get_score(score_name) decoy_list = score.get_ordered_decoy_list_all(self.top_n.get()) df = combined_scores[combined_scores.index.isin(decoy_list)] df["by_score_group"] = score_name dfs.append(df) df = PandasDataFrame.drop_duplicate_columns(pandas.concat(dfs)) name_order=["by_score_group"] name_order.extend(output_names) df = df[name_order] if summary: #df.groupby(by="strategy").describe().to_csv(self._setup_outdir_combined()+"/com_summary_top_by_"".csv") df = df.apply(pandas.to_numeric, errors='ignore') final_dfs.append(df.groupby(by=["by_score_group"]).describe(exclude=['object'])) final_names.append(self._setup_outdir_combined()+"/com_summary_top.csv") else: final_dfs.append(df) final_names.append(self._setup_outdir_combined()+"/com_per_model_top") else: if self.individual_analysis.get(): combined_scores.sort_values(['strategy', 'dG']) if summary: final_dfs.append(combined_scores.groupby(by="strategy").describe(exclude=['object'])) final_names.append(self._setup_outdir_individual()+"/per_strategy_summary_all.csv") else: final_dfs.append(combined_scores) final_names.append(self._setup_outdir_individual()+"/ind_per_model_all") if self.combined_analysis.get(): combined_scores.sort_values(['dG']) if summary: #combined_scores.groupby(by="strategy").describe().to_csv(self._setup_outdir_combined()+"/") final_dfs.append(combined_scores.describe(exclude=['object'])) final_names.append(self._setup_outdir_combined()+"/com_summary_all") else: final_dfs.append(combined_scores) final_names.append(self._setup_outdir_combined()+"/com_per_model_all") #How to add Native Line? #Maybe a 'print native info' function...
return final_dfs, final_names
[docs] def output_stats(self): """ Depracated in favor of dataframe summaries. """ def output_all_stats(): if len(self.strategies) == 0: print "No strategies set..." return if not self.out_dir_name.get(): print "No root name set!" return outdir_stats = self._setup_outdir_combined(["stats"]) outdir_lists = self._setup_outdir_combined(["ordered_pdb_lists"]) scores = self._setup_scores("antibody", True) top_n = self.top_n.get() top_n_combined = self.top_n_combined.get() # Output Strategy data: for score_class in scores: if isinstance(score_class, DecoyData): pass if == "dSASA": reverse = True else: reverse = False for strategy in self.strategies: OUTFILE = open(outdir_lists + "/" + strategy + "_ORDERED_" + score_class.get_outname() + ".txt", 'w') data = score_class.get_strategy_data(strategy, True) for tup in sorted(data.keys(), reverse=reverse): triple = data[tup] OUTFILE.write( get_str(triple.score) + "\t" + triple.strategy + "\t" + os.path.basename(triple.decoy) + "\n") OUTFILE.close() # This is broken for some unkown reason. - Ends up skipping pretty much everything. # Output Combined Data: COMBINED = open(outdir_stats + "/combined_selection_data.txt", 'w') COMBINED.write("#strategy decoy " + " ".join([score_class.get_outname() for score_class in scores]) + "\n") total_scores = scores[0] all_data = total_scores.get_concatonated_map() for decoy in all_data: strategy = all_data[decoy].strategy line = strategy + " " + os.path.basename(decoy) # print strategy for score_class in scores: if == "combined_str_score" or == "dG_top_Ptotal": continue if not score_class.all_data[strategy].has_key(decoy): print "Skipping " + strategy + " " + decoy continue line = line + " " + get_str(score_class.all_data[strategy][decoy].score) COMBINED.write(line + "\n") COMBINED.close() # Output Stats: STATS = open(outdir_stats + "/combined_selection_data_stats.txt", 'w') STATS.write("#strategy " + " ".join( [score_class.get_outname() + "_avg" + " " + score_class.get_outname() + "_sd " for score_class in scores]) + "\n") for strategy in self.strategies: line = strategy for score_class in scores: if not score_class.has_real_values() or == "combined_str_score": continue raw_scores_tuple = score_class.get_strategy_data(strategy, True) raw_scores = [s[0] for s in raw_scores_tuple] m = numpy.mean(raw_scores) sd = numpy.std(raw_scores) line = line + " %.3f" % m + " " + "%.3f" % sd STATS.write(line + "\n") STATS.close() # Output Top Stats: STATS = open(outdir_stats + "/combined_selection_data_top_" + repr(top_n) + "_stats.txt", 'w') STATS.write("#strategy " + " ".join( [score_class.get_outname() + "_avg" + " " + score_class.get_outname() + "_sd " for score_class in scores]) + "\n") for strategy in self.strategies: line = strategy for score_class in scores: if not score_class.has_real_values() or == "combined_str_score": continue raw_scores_tuple = score_class.get_top_strategy_data(strategy, top_n, True) raw_scores = [s[0] for s in raw_scores_tuple] m = numpy.mean(raw_scores) sd = numpy.std(raw_scores) line = line + " %.3f" % m + " " + "%.3f" % sd STATS.write(line + "\n") STATS.close() print "Complete" def output_score_extra_stats(): top_n = self.top_n.get() main_scores = self._setup_scores() all_scores = self._setup_scores("antibody", True) if self.individual_analysis.get(): out_dir = self._setup_outdir_individual(["raw_score_data"]) # Top, then all for strategy in self.strategies: for score in main_scores: if == "combined_str_score": continue if isinstance(score, DecoyData): pass # Get TopN of that particular score decoy_list = score.get_ordered_decoy_list(strategy, top_n) outfile = out_dir + "/scores_of_top_" + + "_" + strategy + ".txt" print "writing " + outfile OUT = open(outfile, 'w') if not == "dG_top_Ptotal": header = "#decoy\t" + else: header = "#decoy" for a_score in all_scores: if == "combined_str_score" or == "dG_top_Ptotal": continue if == continue header = header + "\t" + OUT.write(header + "\n") for decoy in decoy_list: data = score.get_data_for_decoy(strategy, decoy) if not == "dG_top_Ptotal": line = os.path.basename(decoy) + "\t" + get_str(data.score) else: line = os.path.basename(decoy) for a_score in all_scores: a_data = a_score.get_data_for_decoy(strategy, decoy) if == "combined_str_score": continue if == continue line = line + "\t" + get_str(a_data.score) OUT.write(line + "\n") OUT.close() # All decoys score = main_scores[0] for strategy in self.strategies: all_decoys = score.get_ordered_decoy_list(strategy) out_file = out_dir + "/all_scores_" + strategy + ".txt" print "writing " + out_file OUT = open(out_file, 'w') if not == "dG_top_Ptotal": header = "#decoy\t" + else: header = "#decoy" for a_score in all_scores: if == "combined_str_score" or == "dG_top_Ptotal": continue if == continue header = header + "\t" + OUT.write(header + "\n") for decoy in all_decoys: data = score.get_data_for_decoy(strategy, decoy) if not == "dG_top_Ptotal": line = os.path.basename(decoy) + "\t" + get_str(data.score) else: line = os.path.basename(decoy) for a_score in all_scores: a_data = a_score.get_data_for_decoy(strategy, decoy) if == "combined_str_score": continue if == continue line = line + "\t" + get_str(a_data.score) OUT.write(line + "\n") OUT.close() if self.individual_analysis.get(): print "Outputting individual stats" output_score_extra_stats() if self.combined_analysis.get(): print "Outputting combined stats" output_all_stats()
print "Complete"
[docs] def copy_top(self): def copy_top_strategy(): top_n = self.top_n.get() scores = self._setup_scores() if not self.out_dir_name.get(): print "No root name set!" return print "Copying Top Models.." # Each Strategy Top Scoring (Skip total score here for now): for strategy in self.strategies: for score in scores: if == "combined_str_score": continue out_dir = self._setup_outdir_individual( ["pdbs_sessions", "top_" + repr(top_n) + "_" + score.get_outname() + "_" + strategy]) SCORELIST = open(out_dir + "/MODELS.txt", 'w') print "Copying " + strategy + " " + score.get_outname() + " to: " + out_dir if isinstance(score, DecoyData): pass decoys = score.get_top_strategy_data(strategy, top_n) decoy_list = score.get_ordered_decoy_list(strategy, top_n) load_as = [] i = 1 for decoy in decoy_list: load_as.append("model_" + repr(i) + "_" + score.get_outname() + "_" + get_str(decoys[decoy].score)) os.system('cp ' + decoy + " " + out_dir + "/" + "top_" + repr(i) + "_" + os.path.basename(decoy)) SCORELIST.write( repr(i) + "\t" + get_str(decoys[decoy].score) + "\t" + os.path.basename(decoy) + "\n") i += 1 if self.load_origin_pdbs: if not self.pyigclassify_dir.get() or not os.path.exists(self.pyigclassify_dir.get()): print "Origin PDB not set or does not exist. Disable this feature or set a correct directory." return make_pymol_session_on_top_ab_include_native_cdrs(decoy_list, load_as, out_dir, out_dir, score.get_outname(), self.pyigclassify_dir.get()+"/"+self.cdr_rel_path, top_num=top_n, native_path=self.native_path) else: make_pymol_session_on_top(decoy_list, load_as, out_dir, out_dir, score.get_outname(), top_num=top_n, native_path=self.native_path) SCORELIST.close() def copy_top_combined(): """ Outputs total_score, """ if not self.out_dir_name.get(): print "No root name set!" return top_n = self.top_n_combined.get() scores = self._setup_scores() # Overall Strategy: for score in scores: if == "combined_str_score": continue if isinstance(score, DecoyData): pass outdir_top_pdbs = self._setup_outdir_combined(["top_structures", score.get_outname()]) outdir_top_sessions = self._setup_outdir_combined(["top_sessions"]) SCORELIST = open(outdir_top_pdbs + "/MODELS.txt", 'w') print "Copying " + score.get_outname() + " to: " + outdir_top_pdbs decoys = score.get_top_all_data(top_n) decoy_list = score.get_ordered_decoy_list_all(top_n) load_as = [] i = 1 for decoy in decoy_list: load_as.append("model_" + repr(i) + "_" + score.get_outname() + "_" + get_str(decoys[decoy].score)) os.system('cp ' + decoy + " " + outdir_top_pdbs + "/top_" + repr(i) + "_" + os.path.basename(decoy)) SCORELIST.write(repr(i) + "\t" + get_str(decoys[decoy].score) + "\t" + os.path.basename(decoy) + "\n") i += 1 if self.load_origin_pdbs: if not self.pyigclassify_dir.get() or not os.path.exists(self.pyigclassify_dir.get()): print "Origin PDB not set or does not exist. Disable this feature or set a correct directory." return make_pymol_session_on_top_ab_include_native_cdrs(decoy_list, load_as, outdir_top_pdbs, outdir_top_sessions, score.get_outname(), self.pyigclassify_dir.get()+"/"+self.cdr_rel_path, top_num=top_n, native_path=self.native_path) else: make_pymol_session_on_top(decoy_list, load_as, outdir_top_pdbs, outdir_top_sessions, score.get_outname(), top_num=top_n, native_path=self.native_path) SCORELIST.close() if self.individual_analysis.get(): print "Outputting individual sessions" copy_top_strategy() if self.combined_analysis.get(): print "Outputting combined sessions"
[docs] def copy_all_models(self): if not self.out_dir_name.get(): print "No root name set!" return if len(self.strategies) == 0: print "No strategies set..." return # outdir = self._setup_outdir() scores = self._setup_scores() # Each Strategy Top Scoring (Skip total score here for now): for strategy in self.strategies: for score in scores[1:]: out_dir = self._setup_outdir_individual(["all" + "_" + score.get_outname() + "_" + strategy], False) print "Copying " + strategy + " " + score.get_outname() + " to: " + out_dir if isinstance(score, DecoyData): pass decoys = score.get_strategy_data(strategy) decoy_list = score.get_ordered_decoy_list(strategy) load_as = [] i = 1 for decoy in decoy_list: load_as.append("model_" + repr(i) + "_" + score.get_outname() + "_" + get_str(decoys[decoy].score)) os.system('cp ' + decoy + " " + out_dir + "/top_" + repr(i) + "_" + os.path.basename(decoy)) i += 1 if self.load_origin_pdbs: if not self.pyigclassify_dir.get() or not os.path.exists(self.pyigclassify_dir.get()): print "Origin PDB not set or does not exist. Disable this feature or set a correct directory." return make_pymol_session_on_top_ab_include_native_cdrs(decoy_list, load_as, out_dir, out_dir, score.get_outname(), self.pyigclassify_dir.get()+"/"+self.cdr_rel_path, top_num=None, native_path=self.native_path) else: make_pymol_session_on_top(decoy_list, load_as, out_dir, out_dir, score.get_outname(), top_num=None, native_path=self.native_path) # Overall Strategy: for score in scores: if isinstance(score, DecoyData): pass out_dir = self._setup_outdir_combined(["all_structures", score.get_outname()]) print "Copying " + score.get_outname() + " to: " + out_dir decoys = score.get_concatonated_map() decoy_list = score.get_ordered_decoy_list_all() load_as = [] i = 1 for decoy in decoy_list: load_as.append("model_" + repr(i) + "_" + score.get_outname() + "_" + get_str(decoys[decoy].score)) os.system('cp ' + decoy + " " + out_dir + "/top_" + repr(i) + "_" + os.path.basename(decoy)) i += 1 out_dir = self._setup_outdir_combined(["all_sessions"]) if self.load_origin_pdbs: if not self.pyigclassify_dir.get() or not os.path.exists(self.pyigclassify_dir.get()): print "Origin PDB not set or does not exist. Disable this feature or set a correct directory." return make_pymol_session_on_top_ab_include_native_cdrs(decoy_list, load_as, out_dir, out_dir, score.get_outname(), self.pyigclassify_dir.get()+"/"+self.cdr_rel_path, top_num=None, native_path=self.native_path) else: make_pymol_session_on_top(decoy_list, load_as, out_dir, out_dir, score.get_outname(),
top_num=None, native_path=self.native_path)
[docs] def run_clustal_omega(self, processors, output_format="fasta", extra_options=""): def run_clustal_omega_on_strategies(): if not self.out_dir_name.get(): print "No root name set!" return scores = self._setup_scores() top_n = self.top_n.get() for strategy in self.strategies: print "\nRunning Clustal on: " + strategy score_zero = scores[0] if isinstance(score_zero, DecoyData): pass # Output per strategy ALL decoys = score_zero.get_strategy_data(strategy) decoy_header_dict = defaultdict() for decoy in decoys: decoy_header_dict[decoy] = os.path.basename(decoy) fasta_dir = self._setup_outdir_individual(["sequences"]) fasta_path = fasta_dir + "/" + strategy + "_all.fasta" fasta.output_fasta_from_pdbs_biopython(decoy_header_dict, fasta_path, self.native_path, "Native", self.is_camelid.get()) aln_dir = self._setup_outdir_individual(["clustal"]) aln_name = strategy + "_all.clus" clustal_runner = ClustalRunner(fasta_path) clustal_runner.set_hard_wrap(self.clustal_soft_wrap.get()) clustal_runner.set_threads(processors) clustal_runner.set_extra_options(extra_options) clustal_runner.set_output_format(output_format) clustal_runner.output_alignment(aln_dir, aln_name) # Output on Top Scoring: for score in scores: print score if isinstance(score, DecoyData): pass basename = strategy + "_" + score.get_outname() + "_top_" + str(top_n) fasta_path = fasta_dir + "/" + basename + ".fasta" aln_name = basename + ".clus" decoy_header_dict = defaultdict() decoys = score.get_top_strategy_data(strategy, top_n) for decoy in decoys: header = "v" + get_str(decoys[decoy].score) + "::" + os.path.basename(decoy) decoy_header_dict[decoy] = header fasta.output_fasta_from_pdbs_biopython(decoy_header_dict, fasta_path, self.native_path, "Native", self.is_camelid.get()) clustal_runner.set_fasta_path(fasta_path) clustal_runner.set_threads(processors) clustal_runner.set_extra_options(extra_options) clustal_runner.set_output_format(output_format) clustal_runner.output_alignment(aln_dir, aln_name) print "Complete" def run_clustal_omega_on_top_combined(): if not self.out_dir_name.get(): print "No root name set!" return scores = self._setup_scores() top_n = self.top_n.get() for score in scores: print "Running Clustal Omega on " + score.get_outname() if isinstance(score, DecoyData): pass decoys = score.get_top_all_data(top_n, False) decoy_header_dict = defaultdict() for decoy in decoys: header = "v" + get_str(decoys[decoy].score) + "::" + os.path.basename(decoy) decoy_header_dict[decoy] = header root_name = self.out_dir_name.get() basename = root_name + "_" + score.get_outname() + "_top_" + repr(top_n) fasta_dir = self._setup_outdir_combined(["sequences"]) fasta_path = fasta_dir + "/" + basename + ".fasta" clustal_dir = self._setup_outdir_combined(["clustal"]) clustal_name = basename + ".aln" fasta.output_fasta_from_pdbs_biopython(decoy_header_dict, fasta_path, self.native_path, "Native", self.is_camelid.get()) clustal_runner = ClustalRunner(fasta_path) clustal_runner.set_threads(processors) clustal_runner.set_hard_wrap(self.clustal_soft_wrap.get()) clustal_runner.set_extra_options(extra_options) clustal_runner.set_output_format(output_format) clustal_runner.output_alignment(clustal_dir, clustal_name) if self.individual_analysis.get(): run_clustal_omega_on_strategies() if self.combined_analysis.get(): run_clustal_omega_on_top_combined()
print "Complete"
[docs] def run_clustal_omega_on_all_combined(self, processors, output_format, extra_options=""): if not self.out_dir_name.get(): print "No root name set!" return print "Running Clustal on All Combined" scores = self._setup_scores() score = scores[0] if isinstance(score, DecoyData): pass root_name = self.out_dir_name.get() fasta_dir = self._setup_outdir_combined(["sequences"]) fasta_path = fasta_dir + "/" + root_name + "_all.fasta" clustal_dir = self._setup_outdir_combined(["clustal"]) clustal_name = root_name + "_all.aln" all_data = score.get_concatonated_map(False) all_data_array = [] for s in scores: if == "combined_str_score": continue all_data_array.append(s.get_concatonated_map(False)) decoy_header_dict = defaultdict() for decoy in all_data: a = all_data_array[0] header = "v" + get_str(a[decoy].score) for a in all_data_array[1:]: header = header + ":" + get_str(a[decoy].score) header = header + ":" + os.path.basename(decoy) decoy_header_dict[decoy] = header fasta.output_fasta_from_pdbs_biopython(decoy_header_dict, fasta_path, self.native_path, "native", self.is_camelid.get()) clustal_runner = ClustalRunner(fasta_path) #clustal_runner.set_threads(processors) clustal_runner.set_hard_wrap(self.clustal_soft_wrap.get()) clustal_runner.set_extra_options(extra_options) clustal_runner.set_output_format(output_format) clustal_runner.output_alignment(clustal_dir, clustal_name)
print "Complete"
[docs] def output_len_or_clus_alignment(self, alignment_type, features_type='antibody'): is_camelid = self.is_camelid.get() top_n = self.top_n.get() data_class = self._setup_cdr_types(alignment_type, self.is_camelid.get(), features_type) len_class = self._setup_cdr_types("length", self.is_camelid.get(), features_type) def _output_alignment(self, outdir, top_decoys, score, type_data, strategy=None, extra_name="top"): if isinstance(type_data, CDRData): pass if isinstance(score, DecoyData): pass if not strategy: outname = "cdr_type_alignments_" + alignment_type + "_" + score.get_outname() + "_" + extra_name + ".txt" else: outname = "cdr_type_alignments_" + alignment_type + "_" + score.get_outname() + "_" + strategy + "_" + extra_name + "_.txt" print "Outputting cdr type alignment: " + outdir + "/" + outname cdr_names = [cdr for cdr in type_data.cdrs if cdr in self._setup_cdrs()] OUTFILE = open(outdir + "/" + outname, 'w') if self.native_path: header = "#score\t\tmatches" else: header = "#score\t" for cdr in cdr_names: header = header + "\t\t" + cdr header += "\tdecoy" OUTFILE.write(header + "\n") all_data = score.get_concatonated_map() all_type_data = type_data.get_concatonated_map() if self.native_path: line = "..." + "\t\tNA" if all_type_data.has_key((cdr, "native")): native_info = type_data[(cdr, "native")] else: native_info = type_data.get_native_data() if isinstance(native_info, CDRDataInfo): pass for cdr in cdr_names: info = str(native_info.get_value_for_cdr(cdr)) if info == "NA": info = cdr + "-" + str(len_class.get_native_data().get_value_for_cdr(cdr)) + "-NA" line = line + "\t\t" + str(info) line = line + "\tnative" OUTFILE.write(line + "\n") for decoy in top_decoys: decoy_info = all_type_data[decoy] score_info = all_data[decoy] counts = count_native_matches(decoy_info, native_info, type_data.cdrs) line = get_str(score_info.score) + "\t\t" + repr(counts) for cdr in cdr_names: line = line + "\t\t" + str(get_star_if_native(decoy_info, native_info, cdr)) line = line + "\t" + os.path.basename(decoy) OUTFILE.write(line + "\n") else: for decoy in top_decoys: print decoy decoy_info = all_type_data[decoy] score_info = all_data[decoy] print repr(score_info) print repr(score_info.score) line = get_str(score_info.score) for cdr in cdr_names: info = str(decoy_info.get_value_for_cdr(cdr)) if info == "NA": info = cdr + "-" + str( len_class.get_concatonated_map()[decoy].get_value_for_cdr(cdr)) + "-NA" line = line + "\t\t" + str(info) line = line + "\t" + os.path.basename(decoy) OUTFILE.write(line + "\n") OUTFILE.close() if not self.out_dir_name.get(): print "No root name set!" return scores = self._setup_scores(features_type) if isinstance(data_class, CDRData): pass ### Top/All each Strategy if self.individual_analysis.get(): outdir = self._setup_outdir_individual(['cdr_alignments']) for strategy in self.strategies: for score in scores: if isinstance(score, DecoyData): pass top_decoys = score.get_ordered_decoy_list(strategy, top_n) all_decoys = score.get_ordered_decoy_list(strategy) # print "Top: "+repr(top_decoys) print "Working on : " + strategy + " " + _output_alignment(self, outdir, top_decoys, score, data_class, strategy, "top") _output_alignment(self, outdir, all_decoys, score, data_class, strategy, "all") ### Top/All each combined if self.combined_analysis.get(): outdir = self._setup_outdir_combined(['cdr_alignments']) for score in scores: top_decoys = score.get_ordered_decoy_list_all(top_n) all_decoys = score.get_ordered_decoy_list_all() print "Top: " + repr(len(top_decoys)) + _output_alignment(self, outdir, top_decoys, score, data_class, None, "top") _output_alignment(self, outdir, all_decoys, score, data_class, None, "all")
print "Complete"
[docs] def output_len_or_clus_recovery(self, alignment_type, features_type='antibody'): len_class = self._setup_cdr_types("length", self.is_camelid.get(), features_type) if not self.native_path: print "Must pass select native path to calculate recoveries" return def _get_header(self, type_data): header = "#avg" cdr_names = [cdr for cdr in type_data.cdrs if cdr in self._setup_cdrs()] for cdr in cdr_names: header = header + "\t\t" + cdr header += "\tname" return header def _add_native_line(self, native_info, type_data, OUTFILE): line = "NA" if isinstance(native_info, CDRDataInfo): pass cdr_names = [cdr for cdr in type_data.cdrs if cdr in self._setup_cdrs()] for cdr in cdr_names: info = str(native_info.get_value_for_cdr(cdr)) if info == "NA": info = cdr + "-" + str(len_class.get_native_data().get_value_for_cdr(cdr)) + "-NA" line = line + "\t\t" + str(info) line += "\tnative" OUTFILE.write(line + "\n") def _add_recovery_line(self, label, decoys, type_data, OUTFILE, strategy=None): if isinstance(type_data, CDRData): pass total = 0 cdr_names = [cdr for cdr in type_data.cdrs if cdr in self._setup_cdrs()] for cdr in cdr_names: enrichment_data = calculate_recovery(type_data.get_native_data(), type_data, cdr, decoys) total = total + enrichment_data.get_perc_decimal() native_data = type_data.get_native_data() # If native is NA, do not count the recovery against it for averages. Only average over set CDRs. t=0 for cdr in cdr_names: if not native_data.get_value_for_cdr(cdr) =="NA": t+=1 avg = total / t line = "%.3f" % avg for cdr in cdr_names: enrichment_data = calculate_recovery(type_data.get_native_data(), type_data, cdr, decoys) line = line + "\t\t%.3f" % enrichment_data.get_perc_decimal() line += "\t"+label OUTFILE.write(line + "\n") if not self.out_dir_name.get(): print "No root name set!" return top_n = self.top_n.get() data_class = self._setup_cdr_types(alignment_type, self.is_camelid.get(), features_type) scores = self._setup_scores(features_type) if isinstance(data_class, CDRData): pass # Each strategy + Top Values if self.individual_analysis.get(): outdir = self._setup_outdir_individual(['enrichment']) OUTFILE = open(outdir + "/" + "cdr_type_recoveries_" + alignment_type + "_.txt", 'w') OUTFILE.write(_get_header(self, data_class) + "\n") _add_native_line(self, data_class.get_native_data(), data_class, OUTFILE) for strategy in self.strategies: outname = strategy decoys = scores[0].get_strategy_data(strategy).keys() _add_recovery_line(self, outname, decoys, data_class, OUTFILE, strategy) for score in scores: if isinstance(score, DecoyData): pass if == "combined_str_score": continue top_decoys = score.get_ordered_decoy_list(strategy, top_n) outname = strategy + "_" + score.get_outname() + "_top_" + repr(top_n) _add_recovery_line(self, outname, top_decoys, data_class, OUTFILE, strategy) OUTFILE.close() # Combined + Top Values if self.combined_analysis.get(): outdir = self._setup_outdir_combined(['enrichment']) OUTFILE = open(outdir + "/" + "cdr_type_recoveries_all_" + alignment_type + "_.txt", 'w') OUTFILE.write(_get_header(self, data_class) + "\n") _add_native_line(self, data_class.get_native_data(), data_class, OUTFILE) outname = "combined_all" _add_recovery_line(self, outname, scores[0].get_concatonated_map().keys(), data_class, OUTFILE) for score in scores: if == "combined_str_score": continue top_decoys = score.get_ordered_decoy_list_all(top_n) outname = "combined_" + score.get_outname() + "_top_" + repr(top_n) # print "Top: "+repr(top_decoys) _add_recovery_line(self, outname, top_decoys, data_class, OUTFILE) OUTFILE.close()
print "Complete"
[docs] def output_len_or_clus_enrichment(self, alignment_type, features_type='antibody'): def _add_enrichments(self, label, decoys, type_data): if isinstance(data_class, CDRData): pass #OUTFILE = open(outdir + "/" + "cdr_type_enrichment_" + alignment_type + "_.txt", 'w') cdr_names = [cdr for cdr in type_data.cdrs if cdr in self._setup_cdrs()] for cdr in cdr_names: enrichments = calculate_enrichments(data_class, cdr, decoys) OUTFILE = open(outdir+"/" + "cdr_type_enrichment_"+alignment_type+"_"+label+"_"+cdr+".txt", 'w') OUTFILE.write("#group\tcount\tperc\n") for c in sorted([[enrichments[c].count, c] for c in enrichments], reverse=True): t = c[1]; #c[0] is the actual counts we are sorting on. perc = enrichments[t] if isinstance(perc, Perc): pass p = perc.get_perc_decimal() OUTFILE.write(str(t)+"\t\t"+str(perc.count)+"\t\t"+perc.get_formated_perc(p)+"\n") OUTFILE.close() ##Individual Enrichments top_n = self.top_n.get() data_class = self._setup_cdr_types(alignment_type, self.is_camelid.get(), features_type) scores = self._setup_scores(features_type) if self.individual_analysis.get(): outdir = self._setup_outdir_individual(["enrichment"]) if isinstance(data_class, CDRData): pass for strategy in self.strategies: outname = strategy decoys = scores[0].get_strategy_data(strategy).keys() _add_enrichments(self, outname, decoys, data_class) for score in scores: if isinstance(score, DecoyData): pass if == "combined_str_score": continue top_decoys = score.get_ordered_decoy_list(strategy, top_n) outname = strategy + "_" + score.get_outname() + "_top_" + repr(top_n) _add_enrichments(self, outname, top_decoys, data_class) #Combined Enrichments if self.combined_analysis.get(): outdir = self._setup_outdir_combined(["enrichment"]) outname = "combined_all" _add_enrichments(self, outname, scores[0].get_concatonated_map().keys(), data_class) for score in scores: if == "combined_str_score": continue top_decoys = score.get_ordered_decoy_list_all(top_n) outname = "combined_" + score.get_outname() + "_top_" + repr(top_n) # print "Top: "+repr(top_decoys) _add_enrichments(self, outname, top_decoys, data_class)
print "Complete"
[docs] def create_score_subset_database(self, score_name, prefix, features_type='antibody'): self._setup_scores() score = self._get_score(score_name) if not isinstance(score, DecoyData): print "Score type not found!" return if not self.out_dir_name.get(): print "No root name set!" return top_n = self.top_n.get() fdir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] + "/xml_scripts" for strategy in self.strategies: temp_name = "temp_PDBLIST.txt" OUTFILE = open(temp_name, 'w') decoys = score.get_ordered_decoy_list(strategy, top_n) for decoy in decoys: OUTFILE.write(decoy + "\n") OUTFILE.close() out_db_name = prefix + "_" + strategy out_db_batch = "Subset" # This should be done manually by getting struct_id and copying all the data in a new database via python sqlite3 # I do not have time to figure that out and get it working right now, so this will have to do. analyze_strat.create_features_db(temp_name, fdir, features_type + "_features", self.rosetta_extension.get(), self.scorefxn, out_db_name, out_db_batch, self.db_dir.get(), False)
[docs]class Perc: """ Simple class for holding enrichment/recovery information """ def __init__(self, count, total): self.count = count = total self._calc_per() def _calc_per(self): self.perc = self.count / float(
[docs] def get_count(self):
return self.count
[docs] def get_total(self):
[docs] def get_perc_decimal(self):
return self.perc
[docs] def get_perc_whole(self):
return self.perc * 100
[docs] def get_formated_perc(self, perc):
return "%.3f" % perc ######################################################################################################################## ### Helper Functions ########################################################################################################################
[docs]def get_str(value): if type(value) == str: return value else:
return "%.3f" % value
[docs]def calculate_recovery(native_data, all_decoy_data, cdr, decoy_list=None): """ Calculate the recovery of some value to native Returns """ if isinstance(native_data, CDRDataInfo): pass if isinstance(all_decoy_data, CDRData): pass raw_decoy_map = all_decoy_data.get_concatonated_map() if not decoy_list: decoy_list = raw_decoy_map.keys() count = 0 for decoy in decoy_list: cdr_info = raw_decoy_map[decoy] if isinstance(cdr_info, CDRDataInfo): pass if cdr_info.get_value_for_cdr(cdr) == native_data.get_value_for_cdr(cdr): count += 1 enrich_info = Perc(count, len(decoy_list))
return enrich_info
[docs]def calculate_enrichments(all_decoy_data, cdr, decoy_list = None): """ Returns defaultdict of [count_type] : Perc """ if isinstance(all_decoy_data, CDRData): pass raw_decoy_map = all_decoy_data.get_concatonated_map() if not decoy_list: decoy_list = raw_decoy_map.keys() raw_counts = defaultdict(int) final_counts = defaultdict() for decoy in decoy_list: cdr_info = raw_decoy_map[decoy] if isinstance(cdr_info, CDRDataInfo): pass raw_counts[cdr_info.get_value_for_cdr(cdr)]+=1 for count_type in raw_counts: final_counts[count_type] = Perc(raw_counts[count_type], len(decoy_list))
return final_counts
[docs]def calculate_observed_value(value, all_decoy_data, cdr, decoy_list=None): """ Calculate the enrichment of some value """ if isinstance(all_decoy_data, CDRData): pass raw_decoy_map = all_decoy_data.get_concatonated_map() if not decoy_list: decoy_list = raw_decoy_map.keys() count = 0 for decoy in decoy_list: cdr_info = raw_decoy_map[decoy] if isinstance(cdr_info, CDRDataInfo): pass if cdr_info.get_value_for_cdr(cdr) == value: count += 1 enrich_info = Perc(count, len(decoy_list))
return enrich_info
[docs]def count_native_matches(decoy_data, native_data, cdrs): if isinstance(decoy_data, CDRDataInfo): pass if isinstance(native_data, CDRDataInfo): pass count = 0 for cdr in cdrs: if native_data.get_value_for_cdr(cdr) == decoy_data.get_value_for_cdr(cdr): count += 1
return count
[docs]def get_star_if_native(decoy_data, native_data, cdr): if native_data.get_value_for_cdr(cdr) == decoy_data.get_value_for_cdr(cdr): return "*" else:
return decoy_data.get_value_for_cdr(cdr)