
This program runs Rosetta MPI locally or on a cluster using slurm or qsub. Relative paths are accepted.

usage: [-h]

This program is a GUI used for benchmarking Rosetta Antibody Design.Before running this application, you will probably want to run ‘ to create the databases required.

usage: [-h] [--main_dir MAIN_DIR] [--out_dir OUT_DIR] --jsons
                       [JSONS [JSONS ...]]

Named Arguments


Main working directory. Not Required. Default = PWD

Default: “/home/docs/checkouts/”


Output data directory. Not Required. Default = pooled_data

Default: “pooled_data”

--jsons, -j Analysis JSONs to use. See RAbD_MB.AnalysisInfo for more on what is in the JSON.The JSON allows us to specify the final name, decoy directory, and features db associated with the benchmark as well as all options that went into it.

Calculate the frequence of graft closures.

usage: [-h] [--dir DIR] [--outfile OUTFILE]
                                          [--match_name MATCH_NAME]

Named Arguments

--dir, -i Input directory
--outfile, -o Path to outfile

Use ensembles in calculation

Default: False

--match_name Match a subexperiment in the file name such as relax

Calculates and plots monte carlo acceptance values for antibody design benchmarking.

usage: [-h] --jsons
                                                  [JSONS [JSONS ...]]
                                                  [--data_outdir DATA_OUTDIR]

Named Arguments

--jsons, -j Analysis JSONs to use. See RAbD_MB.AnalysisInfo for more on what is in the JSON.The JSON allows us to specify the final name, decoy directory, and features db associated with the benchmark as well as all options that went into it.
--data_outdir, -o

Path to outfile. DEFAULT = data

Default: “data”

Calculates and plots monte carlo acceptance values for antibody design benchmarking.

usage: [-h] --jsons [JSONS [JSONS ...]]
                                 [--data_outdir DATA_OUTDIR]

Named Arguments

--jsons, -j Analysis JSONs to use. See RAbD_MB.AnalysisInfo for more on what is in the JSON.The JSON allows us to specify the final name, decoy directory, and features db associated with the benchmark as well as all options that went into it.
--data_outdir, -o

Path to outfile. DEFAULT = data

Default: “data”

Calculates and plots monte carlo acceptance values for antibody design benchmarking.

usage: [-h] --jsons [JSONS [JSONS ...]]
                           [--plot_outdir PLOT_OUTDIR]

Named Arguments

--jsons, -j Analysis JSONs to use. See RAbD_MB.AnalysisInfo for more on what is in the JSON.The JSON allows us to specify the final name, decoy directory, and features db associated with the benchmark as well as all options that went into it.
--plot_outdir, -p

DIR for plots. DEFAULT = plots

Default: “plots”

This program runs Rosetta MPI locally or on a cluster using slurm or qsub. Relative paths are accepted.

usage: [-h]